You must be fu**king kidding me right now. Answers you think am here for answers Rob

you killed my mother and you think l need answers than explanation

Am sorry Kylie l will give you all the explanation you need today he said and turn to face her

That is why am here Rob l need an explanation and you should be glad am even giving you the chance to explain your self ,if not heaven helps me like l have blow you stupid head off before even getting a chance to talk.

Rob walked towards Her

You better stay where you are ,don't you dare come closer to me. He stopped when he heard the coldness from her voice

I didn't mean to kill your mother kylie, l didn't even she was your mother back than till it was too late that is why l wanted to make you me and the guilt was killing me inside, believe me kylie l try so hard to tell you the truth but l was selfish afraid you will leave me the moment you found out the truth

You have still not answered my question Rob

It was a mistake kylie, we thought your mother had some information on us but we find out too late that she was not the one

Did l hear you say we? and you killed my mother for no reason

Am sorry Kylie l didn't mean

You didn't mean to yet you killed her, she was my everything and you took her away from me

Am truly sorry kylie and please don't cry ,it make my heart hurt to see you like this please my love

l am not your love and will never be,you and l have nothing between us.

From now on Rob Williams you are my number one enemy and will do everything in my power to bring you down. You just woke up the breast in me ,l will make you pay for everything Ghost

Rob was shocked when he heard the name ghost from her

How did you know that name,than realization hid him

ooh so he told you about it

It doesn't matter how l know but should now start running for your life l will be coming for you

Kylie runned out from the office in tears,,Rob runed after her to make sure she will be safe.

She walked on the street with tears in her eyes thinking about her mother and how a person who claimed to love her kill her just like that because of misinformation. The cold,late autumn wind made her shiver but she ignored it and didn't even notice Rob following her. He followed her till she entered Bam cafe and order coffee.

Two hours later he saw her hugging her friend Emy ,he watched them till they left cafe till he drove away