Aren't You Feeling Hot??

When both sat in the car, Jiang Yuyan's heart beat faster, because of the sudden silence around them. 

Setting the GPS for the direction of Jiang residence, Lu Qiang started the car. When it was about to move, suddenly, he stepped on the brake and looked at her. 

Jiang Yuyan questioningly looked back at him, but not saying anything, Lu Qiang just leaned to his right side, pulled the seatbelt of Jiang Yuyan's seat, and fastened it.

Jiang Yuyan was busy thinking about how to calm her heartbeats and forget to fasten a seatbelt. 

When he came closer to her, she automatically leaned backward, almost burying herself in the seat. It took him only a few seconds to do his job, but it was like an eternity to her. 

Again, her smelling ability troubled her, which made her take a deep breath, her eyes observing his face closely.