Are You Inviting Me?

"Why did you come here? I was about to bring it outside," Jiang Yuyan asked, using her chin to point towards the glasses and trying to maintain a fake angry face.

"Because I missed you," Lu Qiang replied.

His reply flustered her, but she tried not to react, knowing it was impossible to stop him. Placing a tray on the kitchen platform, she stepped forward, passed him a glass of juice, and took the other one for her.

She stood near the kitchen platform a few meters away from him, but he walked inside to stand beside her. 

As both sipped the chilled juice from their glasses, she asked, "How did you know the parking space and security code?" 

Lu Qiang took a sip and casually replied, "You guess."

Jiang Yuyan already guessed it but still made sure, "Brother Yang?"

"Hmm!" Nodding, Lu Qiang, added, "When we were on the way, he messaged me and asked me to be with you as he would be busy in surgery. He also sent me the information,"