Trying To Know The Past...

Ming Rusheng came out of the mansion to see off his uncle, Zhang Wei. He was immersed in his own thoughts with so many questions in his mind. "Uncle!" he called while walking side by side with Zhang Wei towards his white luxury car.

"Hmm?" Zhang Wei reacted while walking along with him.

"Can I ask you something?" Ming Rusheng asked.

"Of course, Ming Rusheng! But, I am not sure if I can answer it." Zhang Wei was a smart person and also, he knew Ming Rusheng too well since he was a kid so he guessed already what Ming Rusheng was thinking and what he was about to ask.

"What happened in the past?" Ming Rusheng stopped in his tracks and asked to look at his uncle.

Zhang Wei stopped too and turned to look at Ming Rusheng. "Hmm! I know you are very curious about it since you understood about the hatred between the two families but there is a reason why we didn't tell you, so don't ask it," he said it and turned to step towards his car.