Don't Be A Dog...

Jiang Yuyan smiled to see Lu Qiang who was sitting beside her on the edge of the bed and wished him good morning. "How are you feeling now? Are you still tired?" Lu Qiang asked while looking at her beautiful smiling face.

Jiang Yuyan blushed to hear it. "I am fine," as saying it, she averted her sight from his face.

Lu Qiang held her chin, made her look at him and said, "I underestimated you then. I should have gone for more."

"Cough-Cough!" His words reminded her what they did last night and she was utterly embarrassed to remember it. She never thought that she could ever be like this, in love with a man and doing all those intimate stuff with him. Moreover, she really wanted it from her heart and that's what she found surprising about herself.

"What's the time?" she asked as she came out of her thoughts, trying to distract him from the conversation.