Caught By Mother...

Seeing him getting off the bed, Jiang Yuyan sat up in bed and exclaimed, "Wait! I...I didn't mean to make you feel bad. You can stay. I will handle it."

Lu Qiang straightened his clothes and said calmly while looking at her sad face, "I am not upset. I just came here to see you and sleep beside you. I was missing you badly so it was difficult to fall asleep without you. As I saw you now and I had a nice sleep, I can go back."

Hearing it, Jiang Yuyan felt bad to ask him to leave. She too got off from the bed, stepped towards him and hugged as saying, "I am sorry."

Lu Qiang patted her head and said, "Why are you sorry? It's all fine just give me a nice kiss and I would be even better."

She looked at him and asked teasingly, "Just a kiss?"

"I won't mind if there is more," He replied.