Whatever You Say...

More she was trying to speak, more Lu Qiang was sealing her lips harshly. In the end, she had to give up and surrender to him. Realizing she stopped resisting and after kissing her till she became breathless, Lu Qiang parted away to look at her. He smiled to see her gasping for air and to see her moist eyes.

"You never listen huh?" she said after taking a deep breath.

"If you will say something to stop me again then I know how to shut your mouth. Try to say something more," He said as warning her with one corner of his lips curved up.

Jiang Yuyan clenched her lips together as hiding them by pressing between her teeth and shook her head as saying no.

Seeing her clenching her lips tightly and refusing to kiss him, Lu Qiang said smiling slyly, "So you want me to go another way. Fine then," Saying it he moved his hand towards her waist and tucked his fingers on one side of her night pants as to indicate he was about to pull it down.