Friends Talk...

"I was curious about how things were on your wedding night," Nixxxie asked just to make Jiang Yuyan give out a deep sigh.

"My brother and my mother were not enough as you too are curious about it, Nixx?"

"Good to know that I am not the only one here."

Both entered inside the class, the gazes of the classmates following both of them with the whispers being heard. Both ignored them and continued walking toward their desks. Other than Jiang Yuyan, Nixxxie was famous too as in the news they could see Nixxxie as the maid of honor and she looked so pretty and different from her usual appearance that it shocked most of them to think if she was the same Nixxxie.

Sitting on the adjacent chairs, Nixxxie asked, "So?"

Jiang Yuyan gave her a look with narrowed eyes. "Do you want the curious people around us to know about it too?" As the others could hear them now, Jiang Yuyan whispered. 

"I am just excited to hear it," Nixxxie whispered back.