Worried For Old Man...

Jiang Yuyan stood up from the bench and ran towards the bodyguard who was standing some distance away from them. Nixxxie realized there was something serious as she heard the word hospital and Jiang Yuyan looked panicked so she followed her too. 

Reaching to the bodyguard while catching her breath, Jiang Yuyan spoke. "Take me to the city central hospital, right now."

Nodding, the guard led her way towards the car which was parked inside the parking section of the university and sitting inside they left in a hurry. 

Jiang Yuyan looked tense. Holding her hand to calm her down, Nixxxie asked, "What happened?"

"Brother called me and said grandpa Lu is admitted to the hospital."

"Grandpa? What happened suddenly?" Nixxxie asked.

"I don't know, my brother was in a hurry so he just told me this much."

"He would be fine," Nixxxie assured her.

"I hope so too."