Strange Man!

The one boy said, "Let's run from here in our car or he will kill us. He is a monster."

"We can't leave our friend here to die or his father will kill us later. Let's beg for mercy and we all can leave together. I don't wish to die so soon." said the second boy.

Seems like the boy who was hurt was from one powerful family.

"You are right. We will die in either way, so let's just beg him to spare our lives. He looks rich, so I don't think he would care if someone dies. He can get out of it easily," said the third boy.

"But he seems psycho," the first one said, who suggested running away.

"He is but just beg him for now." Saying all three went to Lu Feng. "We are really sorry. Our friend will die if we wait for more time."

The girl standing there didn't know whether she should feel good to see those jerks like scared cats or she should pity them to get capture in the claws of one devil.