I Will Accept Bad Or Good...

Lu Feng didn't go back to Lu Mansion and going back to the hospital was not possible as he was drunk, so he straightaway went to his private apartment. When he was busy struggling with so many things coming to his mind, a small fight with those boys and helping the girl distracted him for a while but as he was alone now, things were coming back in his mind again. 

He sat on the sofa, thinking what his brother and mother said to him, which was disturbing him again. Getting up from the sofa, he threw everything in the living room here and there letting his frustration out on the non-living things around him.

When there was nothing to throw and break, he kneeled down on the floor as the helpless person with tears rolling down from his eyes. Soon that sitting position converted into him lying down on the floor and as he was drunk, he fell asleep just like that. 
