Don't Drag My Son In The Mud...

The very same day...

Zhang Jei stepped out of her car in front of a building that had the most expensive residents in the city. She stepped into the elevator and stepped out at certain floors up. She rang the bell and a man opened the door.

It surprised the man to see her there but he greeted her. "Welcome, sister."

Slightly nodding to her brother's greeting, Zhang Jei stepped inside the home as she had the same serious expressions on her face since the moment she stepped out of her car.

Closing the door, Zhang Wei commented. "I am glad to see you here after so many years, I thought my sister forgot the way to my home."

"I almost forgot but few things brought me here and unfortunately those things are nothing to be happy about." Saying it coldly, Zhang Jei sat on the sofa in the living room.

"What did I do this time that you had to come here personally, sister?" Zhang Wei asked.