Confessing the Sin...

Zhang Jei's words clicked Zhang Wei's thought process and he remembered that he only confessed it to Xi Cheng in his drunk condition after a few months of Lu Jinhai's accident.

In the past, In the private room of one lounge…

It was a late night when Zhang Wei was drinking with Xi Cheng. At that time, both were close friends as both had the same goal in mind, to destroy Lu Corporations. 

Xi Cheng had his reason because it worried him that the Lu corporations would support Song Meilin against him as Song Meilin and Lu Jinhai were on good terms because of Song Meilin's father whom Lu Jinhai adored. Zhang Wei's explanation for this was Ming Fangsu, the revenge for the woman he loved all his life.

"Zhang Wei, my friend, I want to ask you something that you never answered before," Xi Cheng asked, finding it as the best opportunity to see drunk Zhang Wei.