He Is Not Stranger...

"Do you want me to show you more things that I am not sure about?" Jiang Yang asked, his hot breath touching her skin and his intense gaze fixed on her eyes.

"I don't mind," Nixxxie replied boldly. 

"You acting boldly makes me feel like eating you the very moment."

"Why do you stop then?"

"If I won't stop, you might regret it later."

His words were intriguing that even though Nixxxie was acting bold, she couldn't hide how nervous she felt hearing his words and sensing his passionate and intense gaze on her. 

Jiang Yang could sense her nervousness, which she was trying hard to hide and stepped back. "It's late. Get fresh and go to bed."

Nixxxie nodded and Jiang Yang left. As Jiang Yang came out and closed the door, he stopped and exhaled deeply. "Man, this is going to be so tough. Difficult to hold back" and went to his room.