Testing Water...

"You are not my brother. I already told you so many times." A cold voice warned Xi Cheng but it didn't affect him. 

"And I am sure you remember what I said when you said the same thing to me a few months back, little sister," said Xi Cheng.

Nixxxie remembered his words - 'Keep saying I am not your brother and one day I will really forget that you are not my sister.' The way he looked at her and the way he said it, that memory brought goosebumps on her entire body. 

Seeing her frightened, Xi Cheng continued before Nixxxie could say anything. "Come back home with me. It's not good for you to be with a stranger." 

Saying, he opened the door of the car for her, signaling her to sit inside and moved his sight towards Jiang Yuyan. "I am sure Mrs. Lu won't mind if I take my sister back home."

Jiang Yuyan felt something was wrong and wanted to stop him, but Nixxxie held her hand, stopping her from saying anything.