Shocked Brother...

"Then, promise me one thing," said Jiang Peizhi.

"I can if it's acceptable," Jiang Yuyan countered.

"You won't let anything harm you and you will always be safe."

"Rest assured, father. I have to keep myself safe for the sake of someone who needs me," Jiang Yuyan said as she looked at Lu Lijun and her parents followed her sight too. 

At this moment, they felt relieved to have Lu Lijun as Jiang Yuyan will think twice before doing anything rash for his sake. 

Her parents went to see the elders while Jiang Yuyan went back to Lu Lijun.

"Have you finished already?" Jiang Yuyan asked as she noticed, Lu Lijun put the paper back in one empty file which Jiang Yuyan gave him to collect all his drawings. Her behavior was totally different from how she was with her parents a while ago. One could see her having pleasant expressions whenever she was in front of Lu Lijun.

Lu Lijun nodded and she commented, "That was so fast. Let me see what you drew."