The Prettiest...

"Yes, but don't worry, it's not a legal marriage." Jiang Peizhi's words shocked his son even more.

"Not legal? Whom did she marry?" Jiang Yang asked, the worry evident in his eyes.

"Lu Lijun!"

As his father answered, Jiang Yang didn't know what to say and looked at both the men in front of him in disbelief.

"Calm down, Jiang Yang," said grandpa as he continued. "It's all my family's fault that she had to do it."

"How can I calm down? I left her with the family as I trusted everyone, but this happened. How could you all let this happen? She is still not out of her pain and Lu Lijun is a kid...I mean.. How?" 

Jiang Yang was so frustrated and angry that he forgot who was sitting in front of him. He just wanted his answers. Nobody mattered in front of his sister then, whoever it is.

"It was her own choice," Jiang Peizhi said while grandpa was speechless as he was feeling guilty about all this.