Can't Be Together...

Shen Li was lying on the sofa after talking to Xiao Min on the cell phone and informing him, he couldn't meet him. When he heard the sound of the door opening and someone barging into his home, he opened his eyes just to see Xiao Min standing in front of him, who looked disappointed seeing his senior resting in his home. 

"Xiao Min?" Shen Li exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes me. You lied to me saying you are busy. Do you know how excited I was to see you and how long I waited for you?" came the anger and disappointment filled reply from the junior.

Shen Li Felt terrible and had nothing to say, seeing disappointed Xiao Min. How much he tried to send him away, in the end, Shen Li couldn't deny that Xiao Min was someone precious to him and would always want him to be with him. 

"Calm down, Xiao Min, and have a seat first," Shen Li instructed.