Wish To Talk To Her...

Ming mansion, elder Ming's room... 

"Father, medicines," Zhang Jei instructed as she stood beside the chair on which elder Ming was sitting. 

Elder Ming accepted it, and Zhang Jei sat on the other chair. "Father, what are you thinking about these days?"

"Nothing much," elder Ming replied. 

"I can see there is something, and I wish father would tell me so that I can share the worry," said Zhang Jei. 

"You always have been a good daughter to me that you know well what's going on with me," the elder Ming commented as he smiled. 

"I always try to be," said Zhang Jei as she waited for her father-in-law to tell her.

"My friend, Lu Huan, Told me something a few days back that I don't know what to think about it and what I can do for my granddaughter," the elder Ming replied. 

"I noticed, uncle Lu is not doing well too," Zhang Jei commented.