My Poor Friend...

Once Ming Rusheng left, Lu Han and Lu Feng stayed in the living room as they continued looking at where Ming Rusheng left. They both looked like they were thinking about something.

"Did you sense something unusual?" Lu Han asked.

Lu Feng nodded, "Huh, exactly what the elder brother sensed."

"Do you think something is going on between them?" Lu Han asked as he averted his sight from the Lu Mansion's door and looked at Lu Feng.

"Ming Rusheng is her boss, but our sister didn't even look at him or greeted him," Lu Feng commented.

"But he looked at her and wanted to talk to her," Lu Han added.

"That means they fought, and he is at fault," Lu Feng concluded.

"Seems like it, but if it's his fault, then he deserves to be ignored." 

"Hmm, our sister is not the one to take for granted."

Lu Han agreed and asked, "What to do now?"

"Nothing. Let them be," said Lu Feng.