Use Someone's Weakness...

Soon the meeting started where Ming Rusheng explained about the design part of the project to be done. 

The Lu's and Wen's were in the construction part of the project, which they had to plan together complying with the design made by Mings. 

The other companies who handled a few other things explained their part, while a few were just to get the project details as they were the investors. 

From the Lus, Lu Lijun explained everything while from Wen's side Wen Zac did the work. 

Everything was running in sync, that all were happy with the progress of the project. 

When the meeting was over, and all headed to leave the hall, Wen Zac came to Jiang Yuyan to bid her farewell just like others. 

They talked about the next meeting they would have in Wen's office. 

"See you tomorrow," said Wen Zac, and Jiang Yuyan nodded, smiling lightly.