She Came To England...

The three friends went to the nearby restaurant where the manager present there greeted Lu Lijun as he knew who the person was because of Lu Lijun's frequent visits with Noah. 

The manager guided their way towards the private room. The three friends went inside as they sat along the rectangular table and ordered the food. 

"The Chinese you learned from me back then will come to use now," Noah said, looking at Jake, who sat opposite to him. 

"I learned it because of my brother," Jake replied. 

"Did I say you learned it for me?" Noah countered just to hear one more mocking reply from Jake. 

"But you were the best practice tool."

"Yeah, as no one would have as much patience like me to tolerate your disastrous practice session," Noah retorted. 

When these two talked, Lu Lijun silently heard their bickering, feeling relieved that at least these two talked. 

Just then, the two arguing men turned to Lu Lijun, and Lu Lijun asked, "What?"