Be Good, Or...

"Mother told me about the work you have here," An Tian changed the topic.


"Your father must be worried about you being alone without your friends," said An Tian. 

"Not sure."

"The old man sure worries about you. He couldn't see his young son spending his days lonely, working like crazy. He must want you to spend your days enjoying yourself with your friends as you are still young," An Tian concluded. 

"Looked like it," Jake agreed and then asked, "Why did you never call him father?"

"Because he is not my father," An Tian replied casually. 

"Do you not like him?" Jake asked. 

"I didn't spend time with him to get that feeling."

"Still, we are brothers, so…"

"Will you call my father as your father," An Tian interrupted him.

"I don't know him and never even saw him," Jake countered. 

"I saw your father, but I don't know him that well to call him a father," An Tian said.