Do You Want Me To Warm You Up?

"After that kidnap incident when I was five, I had suffered it too. Thanks to my brothers and of course brother An Tian, I was fine soon," Lu Lijun said. 

"Hmm, you told me and Jake once," Noah replied. 

Lu Lijun nodded, "But Can't deny the fact that such incidences leave a deep impression on your mind and affects you."


"She has gone through a lot that we can even imagine. I might not understand or feel her pain but I wish her to rely on me," Lu Lijun added.

Noah put his hand on Lu Lijun's shoulder to console him, "I can see the change in her towards you. I believe you see it."

Lu Lijun nodded, "I hope it's not just temporary after she was scared to lose me on that day of the accident."

"If that is the reason, that means you are much more important to her than you think," Noah said while Lu Lijun stayed quiet. 

"Don't worry. I think everything will be fine. Shall we leave now?" Noah asked.