Is It Fine To Be Selfish?

His last words reminded her of how he helped her to distract her mind from thinking about nightmares and a blush covered her face. That closeness with him was affecting her and she wished to get away from him before embarrassing herself more by giving into him when he touched her. 

Just then the elevator stopped at their floor and the door opened. Jiang Yuyan got the chance to get away from him. She pushed him aside and stepped out of the elevator in a hurry. She was relieved that no one was there, especially from their own office.

'It's so fun to tease her,' Lu Lijun smiled playfully and stepped out to go to the office. It was time for work and to be serious. 

The receptionist and other employees present in the office, Greeted Jiang Yuyan and Lu Lijun. 

"You can use my office for the time being," Lu Lijun told her. 

"You and Noah can work in your office and I and Xiao Min will use Noah's office," Jiang Yuyan offered.