Because, It's You

Seeing what was going on between Jake and Mark, Noah felt his mind had stopped working. When? What happened? How come he didn't know? 

Lu Lijuh went to Jake and held him back as he was worried that Jake might kill this guy. 

Jake shrugged Lu Lijun's hand and clenched his fists as he glared at Mark, "One more word and I won't mind completing what I could not at that time."

Just then one more guy arrived there and he was shocked to see what happened. Lu Lijun, Jake and Noah recognised him. 

Mark did not give up and laughed again, "The royal who has a criminal record, such a shame for the royal family."

Jake was about to hit him again but Lu Lijun stopped him and the newly arrived guy went to Mark to shut his mouth and looked at Jake, "Jake, let him be. Let's not repeat the past. I beg you. I will take him away right now."