She Is Not Well

Noah entered the office building where at the elevator Lu Lijun was waiting for him. Noah stood silently next to Lu Lijun to wait for the elevator to arrive. 

"Are you okay?" Lu Lijun asked.

Noah was by Lu Lijun's side in his worst time when he returned home after ten years. He was there with him in the office as well at all other times and took care of him. Now it was his time to be by his friend's side.

"Don't worry, I am not that weak now. You know it well," Noah replied. 

"But those bastards were the ones to cause you harm and made you go through the hell of suffering," Lu Lijun asked.

"That's all in the past. Now that incident doesn't affect me," Noah looked at Lu Lijun, "Moreover, you saved me at that time," he smiled teasingly, "You are my angel, Lu Lijun."

"Stop faking this smile. You can be real in front of me, you know that," Lu Lijun frowned, "I know what you want to know about what Jake did and what that bastard meant."