You Look Pretty When You Are Jealous.

Lu Lijun nodded and accepted that make-up stick from her, as he totally ignored Jiang Yuyan's reaction. 

"Look up," he said and started applying the corrector stick on that dark patch and then patted it gently with his finger to spread it evenly on the targeted part of the skin. 

She looked at his handsome face that was serious when he worked with focus as if it was not just makeup but an important project for him. She didn't feel like moving her gaze away from him and even felt how gently and carefully he was doing it. 

'Why does this kid have to grow up into such a handsome guy. Couldn't he be a bit less handsome? As he claims to love me always then what is the need to be so handsome? Does he plan to attract other girls?' Again a jealous frown appeared on her face. "I wonder if so many girls around him had tried to…' 

"Now what?" But just then Lu Lijun finished his task and looked at her as he normally asked as he disturbed her thoughts.