You Should Not Touch Man's Thigh like this.

They had a nice family dinner while talking and teasing each other. 

"We thought Martha would have to reheat the food, Lu Lijun," Noah teased. 

"It won't affect you if you eat cold food for a day," Lu Lijun countered as he pulled out the chair for Jiang Yuyan and . 

Martha served them all food as they helped themselves by serving a few dishes. 

"By the way, I went to your room but I didn't see you two," Lu Lian said with a teasing smile as others smiled too, waiting for Lu Lijun to defend himself. 

Jiang Yuyan lowered her head to eat quietly as if she didn't hear what Lu Lian said. 

"You came at the wrong time when we were in between the important conversation," he replied with a straight face. 

"And what was the important conversation about?" she asked as Lu Lijun looked back at her. She cleared her throat and explained, "Well, I just wish to know what exactly I was disturbing..I mean the talk you two were having."