A Genuine Surprise

Sarah stood in the arrivals area of the airport awaiting her mother. Her mother's flight had landed two hours ago, yet she still had not managed to catch a glimpse of her. Either customs had been very busy or her mother was still preparing herself. Steven had wandered off to supposedly get her a coffee, however that had been a good half an hour ago. Sarah had found it quite suspicious that he had offered to come along in the first place, after all for the last day or so he had been complaining quite profusely about how busy he was with work.

However, a few hours ago, he suddenly offered to drive and accompany her to the airport. Sarah guessed it had something to do with his girlfriend. Despite her best exhortations to have Steven invite his girlfriend over for dinner, he adamantly refused offering all manners of reasons and excuses. Mainly, she was very busy, was currently interstate and that he would make sure they met in the near future.

Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see her brother holding out a cup of coffee.

"Here's your chai latte with soy milk. Oh, and let me introduce you to my girlfriend. Eveline."

Sarah had not noticed the woman holding onto her brother's arm. She was wearing a pair of large sunglasses and Sarah quickly noticed her top-class figure. The woman lifted her sunglasses and held out her hand to greet Sarah.

Sarah felt the name and the face was very familiar and upon closer inspection she jumped in shock.

"Wait. How. How did you manage this? If she is who I think it is, Bro, you are punching way above your weight."

The woman smiled in mirth before she quickly refuted

"No, I am the lucky one to have been able to meet your brother. Just look at his handsome face, every now and then I feel as if I'm unworthy of him."

The two looked into each other's eyes and her brother quickly wrapped her in a hug. Sarah coughed in embarrassment as her compliment had all of a sudden become a public display of affection.

Sarah quickly pulled her brother to the side and whispered in his ear with a tinge of disbelief.

"That's Eveline Gianconi, right? The supermodel slash actress slash singer slash dancer? The all talented super star, right?"

Her brother nodded slowly in response with a stupid grin on his face.

"I still can't believe it. We met at a charity dinner a few months back and I guess we hit it off. I asked for her number and then we chatted a few times, met up a couple more times after and now here we are. I think I'm in love. No. I definitely love her."

In the time that Sarah and Steven had been whispering to each other, a small crowd had begun to gather in a corner pointing at Eveline and many walking past repeatedly glanced in her direction, whispering to each other about how familiar she appeared to be.

However, those around quickly dispersed as they suddenly felt a hostile and uncomfortable gaze hover around them. A tall woman around 180cm in height glared at those around Steven and Sarah as she walked over confidently. Behind her was a dignified and matronly lady, she wore a cold look and a simple glance dropped the temperature of the room.

Sarah and Steven reacted to the familiar feeling and realised their mother had finally arrived. Steven hurriedly ran back to Eveline and reassured her that this was a normal situation around their mother. Sarah, however, stood there waiting for her mother to approach.

The tall woman nodded at Sarah in acknowledgement before she raised an eye at Steven and gave him a wink, she then stood to the side. Sarah had not seen her mother for quite some time and she looked almost unchanged. The same frosty face, however, there were a few extra wrinkles on her forehead that were not there the last time.

Her mother approached, only to hold out a hand, to which Sarah quickly grabbed and pulled her into a hug. Sarah could feel her mother's body stiffen in surprise before she responded in kind. They held each other for a little while before Steven coughed to remind them of where they were.

Sarah heard her mother whisper a thank you as they separated, before she was once again wrapped in a hug with Steven.

"Uhm, Mum this might not be the best place to speak but let me introduce you to my girlfriend Eveline."

Unexpectedly, Sarah heard her mother laugh before she also gave Eveline a hug. It appeared that the two were already quite familiar with each other and they quickly exchanged some pleasantries.

"Eveline, I did tell you my son was very handsome and a perfect husband, yet you refused at that time I arranged a meet up. Now, here you are, with him anyway."

"Well, Rowena, you never told me he was your son. I thought you were trying to set me up with any random person. How else did you expect me to respond?"

"Oh, my bad, my bad. Anyways let's find a better place to speak more. How about we go back to your father's place for today."

Sarah heard her mother dismiss her bodyguard, who waved goodbye at them before she wandered off. Sarah had honestly been shocked at how normal the situation felt. On past occasions her mother would be more reticent, yet today she was happy and engaged freely with the three of them on all manners of topics.

Sarah for the first time in many years felt a familial warmth she had almost forgotten existed. She felt comforted and optimistic about what the future held for her family, as the five of them left the airport and made their way back home.