Burying the Past

"Sarah, I heard the Marsh's have acquired the Eight Network, even the Canadians were surprised with how quickly it all happened. Some of the bosses there called me up in alarm, fearing that Alistair was out for blood and might be making more big moves. Hmm, Steven, how's your company been holding up in the wake of this? Just the usual suspects?"

"Yeah, but Gramps has been on top of it, he decided to take care of it personally, from his call this morning it seems he managed to convince them to sell their shares back to him. How he did it, is beyond me but it's a satisfactory outcome, I guess."

"Oh, that old man always can't seem to take a break. He's retired yet he still keeps jumping around for the company."

"Well, Mum you can't blame him, after all it's the culmination of his life's work."

"But you're the boss now Steven. The company needed change, the company needs new directions and that's what you provide. You can't keep living under the shadow of your grandfather, otherwise what will you do when he passes on? Derrick, surely you have thoughts on this too."

"Steven, your mother is right, sometimes you need to push back against my father a little. Assert your independence, otherwise he will never let go until his death. Otherwise, how else did you think I managed to get him to stop grooming me to take over after him. I have always just wanted to be an engineer, not the CEO. Plus, you know he is getting along in age now, he needs to rest more."

Sarah was still a little shocked at how well her family was getting along. It was as if all the past scars and traumatic events had been forgotten. This semblance of normalcy was simply too normal. It felt weird to her, yet it was incredibly reassuring. She saw how well her parents were getting along, it was as if they had not lived the past few years apart. The way they conversed with her brother and their displays of concern were equally surprising to Sarah.

She noticed Eveline looked a little out of place but that was not because of her, but due to the fact that their family had many things to catch up on. It was as if in this one dinner, all four of them were trying to make up for all of that lost time.

"Sarah, have some more spinach, Doctor Dave said that your iron levels were a little low."

At the mention of Doctor Dave, she heard her brother snicker and she looked over in amusement before she accepted the proffered bowl from her father. Steven saw Eveline's lost look and helped explain

"Oh, for some reason or another, the doctor that ended up treating Sarah, was my school friend Dave and for the life of me I still can't keep a straight face when people call him doctor."

"Wait, Steven didn't you also go to school with Alistair?"

"Yeah, Mum, but that was only in high school, he flew over to Oxford afterwards. I haven't seen him for a long time actually, I thought I would see him more, since our lines of business cross quite often, but it seems he's been doing the rounds internationally these past few years."

"Oh, Eveline if you look over there to that cabinet you can see the framed photo with the three of them. They were so cute back then, Steven, David and Alistair, the three of you always got into trouble together, you were almost inseparable. What did the teachers call you again? Talented troublesome trio or something?"

Steven heard his mother begin to reveal his embarrassing childhood to Eveline and quickly moved to shut it down.

"Mum, you've been ignoring Sarah all this time. Look she's feeling a little sad."

Sarah suddenly thrust into the spotlight, gave her brother a glare before she parried away his verbal thrust.

"Mum, why don't you tell Eveline about that time Steven was caught wearing my clothes."

Sarah knew her mother loved telling this story, as it was one of the last happy memories of their family being together before the damage of the kidnapping incident. Steven slapped his head in regret and gave an anguished look before he hurried to explain.

"Ahh, that was when I was eight or nine, I was just a kid. Mum made me do it. She said I would look cute. It's not like I wanted to wear it."

"Oh, stop lying son, you were practically begging your mother, you said Sarah kept getting attention from all your uncles and aunties for being cute, but you were being ignored."

"Dad, that wasn't it. Stop twisting the story. Come on Mum, you tell Evie."

Steven was getting incredibly embarrassed and could barely look his girlfriend in the eye. Eveline on the other hand was barely able to maintain a straight face, the corners of her mouth were hooked up and glints of mirth led her eyes to glow.

"Steven, you even said afterwards that you liked how the clothes felt and were going to wear them again. Don't be shy now. But you did look so cute in them. Eveline, I think I might still have some photos from that time, I'll show you when I find them."

"Please do, Mrs Longford, I'm sure I will get a great kick out of them."

"Eveline, what did I say earlier, just call me Rowena."

Sarah saw that Eveline was a little hesitant to call her mother by her first name. After all there were not many people in the world who had the guts to do so. Only a handful of former and current world leaders could do so freely.

"Just call her aunty. She's always had a soft spot for that. We don't have many cousins, so she's always been a bit sad about that."

"Okay, thanks Sarah. But please do show them to me Aunty."

"Wait, Eveline aren't you on a busy schedule, last I heard you were filming a new movie. How is it you have time to be here in Sydney?"

"Umm, Uncle, well the filming is almost finished, we just have one more scene up in the Great Barrier Reef and then there is only post-production left. Plus, Steven said Aunty was coming back, so I asked the Director for a little time off and managed to catch a flight down. I need to fly back first thing in the morning."

"Oh, what's the movie about? Can you say? I've seen a few of your movies in Canada, you have quite a following over there. I'm sure when the fans find out about you and Steven, there's going to be an uproar."

"Ah, Aunty has seen some of my films, how embarrassing, my acting is only so-so. But this time it's an action film, it's got Hugh in it, he plays the male lead and it's more or less a hostage film. Hugh, plays the kidnapper and I got cast as the negotiator."

At the mention of hostages, an unnatural gloom cast itself over the other four. Remorse quickly flashed across Rowena's face, whereas Derrick grabbed Rowena's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. Steven, looked down, whilst Sarah acted unaffected.

Eveline noticed the change in mood and realisation quickly dawned on her face before she hurried to apologise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up…"

Rowena hurried to interrupt her

"No. No. Eveline you have nothing to apologise for. That was many years ago in the past. Perhaps it is time we finally moved on from that. It's caused more than enough problems in our lives to last many life times."

Sarah, Steven and Derrick exchanged looks of surprise at Rowena's sudden change. They had tried all sorts of methods, whether it be counselling, bonding trips and even a period of separation but it had all failed. Yet for some reason or another, on this night, she had finally decided to move on. To accept the past for what it was, to break free from those shackles that pulled her down.

"Rowena, you. Are you serious? Steven quickly pinch me. I'm not dreaming right?"

Steven hurried to comply and even gave himself slap on the face in disbelief.

"Eveline, you are an angel. Steven, make sure to treat her right, you don't know how lucky you are."

Derrick quickly pulled Rowena aside and they rushed upstairs to talk things out. To plan their future and bury the past.

The whirlwind of events, the rapid changes in her family, work and her life had upended Sarah's understanding of the world. She had never forgotten the damage the incident caused to her family. She had always regretted that she was the reason for her family's breakdown. However, her greatest wish was for her mother to come back. To move on, accept the past and live the rest of their lives together, as a family. Now, it seemed they were one step closer to this and for this she found herself loving Eveline even more, not just as a fan but as a member of her family.