Main Family

Hidayah was still at the shooting range when she saw her phone vibrated. She put down the Glock G26 Gen 5 and removed the sound silencer headset. She took her phone and unlock the screen with a 6-digit pin.

Leo: I'm bringing Erika out for dinner.

Hidayah smiled. Daniel had informed her about the encounter between Leoneil and Erika after their sparring earlier. Looks like there's gonna be a new couple in the group.

She returned her phone back to the counter and checked her Glock's magazine. She reloaded the magazine and continued with the shooting scoring Perfect 10s.

Shooting, martial arts, archery, horseback riding are sports the twins and their group of friends enjoyed. But shooting and martial arts was something the Loh family trained all their descendants with for their own safety regardless if they are from the main family or the external family.

The main family consist of the current patriarch, his sons and their family and his unwed daughters. Any married daughters will then be considered as external family. Though, the rules will be exempted if the next head is a female. The heiress's husband will have to marry into the family for the heiress to inherit the family's command. Not only that, the couple must also be voted by the whole family.

As there are only 5 male descendants in their generation and none of them wanted to take over the family, Hidayah was named as the heiress on her 18th birthday.

She was also a genius from a young age. Graduating and getting her diploma at the age of 13 and had her double Masters in Business Analytics and Administration at the age of 16. Hidayah also joined ARK Corporation as her father's assistance after she had gotten her Masters, learning the ropes of the business for the experience. Hence, the family had no objections to the Elders' decision.

Initially, Hidayah did not want to be tied down to the family and open her own restaurant with Hidayat but she had to accept the adjudication for her family. However, only until she can get another to take over. Hopefully, there will be someone from the younger generation who will be ambitious enough to run the empire.

Since she was named heiress at the later years, Kamari had slowly transferred the authority of decision making to her. Today, she had fully taken over the corporation.

Hidayat had just gotten his diploma that year and was going to enrol into a culinary academy.

Hidayat was like their mother. Azizah used to have her own catering business which she had given away to her cousin about a decade ago due to poor health. Her cousin was her own assistant. Hence, she knows how Azizah handled the business.

On the other hand, Hidayat loves to be in the kitchen and see people enjoy the food he cooks ever since he was young. He even forced the kitchen staff at home to teach him how to cook over school holidays when they returned back to the mansion. When Azizah found out, she convinced her husband to hire a professional chef for Hidayat to learn from.

Now, Hidayat has established his name in the culinary world and is well-known in the continent. He also had opened Cibo Delizioso last year in Marina Bay Sands with Hidayah's help as an investor.

A/N: Cibo Delizioso means delicious food in Italian.

His restaurant has an open kitchen concept which is also the heart of the restaurant where patrons are able to view the kitchen cook their orders. This itself is the main factor as to why Hidayat's biggest group of patrons are young ladies and young couples. Other than the No-Menu concept. The dishes are set based on the fresh ingredients that they bought in the morning and sittings are on a first-come-first-serve basis. No reservations are allowed. Even with that, the restaurant is always packed to the brim with lines waiting outside.