Hidayah Got Into An Accident

After spending the latter half of the day at the training ground, Hidayah drove back to the mansion alone. Hidayat was already at the restaurant and Daniel had already returned home earlier after the inspections of their men's progress.

The drive home usually takes about an hour-half long. But speeding with her Lamborghini Veneno Roadster closer to midnight, it only took half the time.

As she was reaching the mansion's ground, her car suddenly lost control. Hidayah tried to stop the car but the brake was not working. Luckily she had already lowered her speed earlier but her relief only lasted a minute.

Somehow, the car was gradually speeding up on its own and Hidayah was unable to manoeuvre the car. "Sh*t!" Hidayah tried to grab her phone from her handbag with her left hand while her right hand still on the steering wheel.

"Why do I have to put my bag on the floor??? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" It took a while for her to reached her phone. Before she could unlock the phone to call for help, the car had driven toward a tree.

The impact was so great that Hidayah's head was injured when it hit the steering wheel despite the airbag's protection. The car's front was also badly wrecked and crumpled. Luckily, there was no smoke indicating a fire breaking out.

With her head against the airbag, blood trickling down her forehead, she opened her eyes slightly. Her head was hurting so badly, she couldn't think. She tried to move her torso away from the airbag but she was unable to lift her head. As time passed, her eyelids are getting heavier. In the end, she lost her consciousness.


"Ma'am… Ma'am… can you hear me?" the man tapped on the woman's shoulder trying to get a response. The woman's eyes flickered for a while and closed again. Before the man can ask again, he heard a soft yeah from the woman.

"Driver is responsive. Okay, ma'am, we are going to stop your bleeding and put on a collar for you to stabilise your neck before we pull you out. Please bear with us," the man then wiped the bleeding forehead and bandage the head before his colleagues perform a head grip to put on a C-Collar to stabilise the neck.

They then check for any other injuries for them to attend before strapping the Kendrick Extrication Devise at the back of the driver so that they can manoeuvre the driver out of the car.

"Okay, guys… let's do this…" the man who was speaking with the woman said to the other 2 that is in the car.

A 3-men team was trying to move the woman out of the car, sideways, while another 2 men standing by with a backboard, waiting by the side to support and secure the woman once she is out of the car. After the driver is placed safely on the backboard, she was strapped again to prevent from falling sideways from the backboard.

"1...2...3, lift" Slowly, the woman was then transferred to the stretcher and the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) put on a breathing mask before rolling her towards the ambulance.

After a primary check, luckily, she did not have any major injury that was life-threatening. They pushed her up the ambulance and prepared to move to the hospital.