I Will Find Out

"Doctor, how is my daughter?" Kamari inquired the doctor that was coming out from the Operation Theatre.

The doctor nodded his head and gave the family waiting outside a smile. "Ms Loh's condition is stabled. She had some broken ribs which we have mended and her head injury, luckily, is superficial. Though, she had a concussion due to the high impact. We will keep her in the Intensive Care Unit for the night to monitor her condition," he advised the family.

The elderly couple sighed in relief after hearing to the doctor's explanation of their daughter's condition. Hidayat brought his parents to the waiting area outside of the ICU ward.

"Mom, don't worry. Jiejie is a strong woman. She will pull through this," Hidayat assured his mother. Kamari held his wife's hands and gave it a light tap. After waiting for half an hour, the nurses had notified them that Hidayah has been moved to her bed.

The family of three then walked into the ward and towards Hidayah's room. The room has a see-through sliding glass door that is controlled by a motion detector. Machinery hovering above her bed with half of them activated. The blood pressure cuffs rolled on her left hand and the C-Pap breathing mask over her nose, her sleeping face looked pained.

Azizah gave out a soft cry seeing her daughter in bed. Kamari held her supporting her from falling down. Hidayat stood by his sister's bed and caressed her right cheek. "Don't worry, Hiddy… I will find out who did this to you…" Hidayat then pulled his hand back and looked up holding his tears in. Believe it or not, he could feel the pain and anxiousness Hidayah could feel. Even during the accident, Hidayat could feel the fear she felt during the crash.

Kamari hearing his son's words probed, "What do you mean by this, Yayat?" Hiddy and Yayat are the twins' pet names. As both had similar names, their pet names from the womb days were used to this day.

"Dad, think about it… Jiejie will never speed her car in the residential area. Looking at the wheel tracks, the car only accelerated after the gate. And the movements are suspicious too."

"Did you get the men to investigate the scene?"

"Mmm… Based on the toxicology report and the investigation done by the team, nothing indicates that Jiejie was driving under influence. The police team has already brought the car to their pound. We will need to wait before our own team can get to investigate the car."

"Yayat, I'll leave this under your jurisdiction to take care. Inform Uncle Jonathan to take charge of the investigation and report to you." Kamari then assisted his wife to side by their daughter's bed and asked Hidayat to follow him out of the room before continuing, "I also need you to take care of ARK's work in the office while your jiejie is here. I will accompany your mother and jiejie here."

"Don't worry, dad. I will take care of them." Hidayat took his leave and took out his phone from his jeans pocket to call for someone. After a few rings, the call was answered, "Uncle Jonathan, have you got any information on Hidayah's accident?"

"No. But, Jacqueline is back. Her name popped up in the manifest from Country I yesterday."

"Thanks, Uncle Jonathan." He then dialled for Daniel to inform him of the accident and meet up with him at the mansion. Tonight, there is much work to be done.


In the Dragon Mansion, 6th floor Bedroom.

The room was dark. All the lights were shut off and the window curtains were pulled down, omitting any source of light. However, you could hear a woman's laughter playing in the room.

Again and again.

Hidayat was laying on his Super King bed. His phone screen playing a video of a young woman. Most probably at most mid-20s. Grinning and laughing while she rocked herself on a wooden swing over the waters.

"I'm sorry… It's my fault… can you forgive me?"

Tears flowing down his cheeks, he caressed the phone screen. Hidayat's eyes and nose were red. One would wonder how long he has been crying in the dark.

Soon, the room returned to silent as the man fell asleep with the phone on his hand and face wet with tears.

One would begin to really wonder. What did he do so wrong that this woman is trying to ignore him this much?