He had all 3 of them

"Hahaha… Don't be anxious, Mr Loh… Your wife is alive and well… but only if you do as I say…" the man on the phone responded upon Anston's query. Anston looked at Hidayat. Hidayat took out his phone and called Leoneil immediately.

"Leo, I need your help to track a phone call," Leoneil was one of the best hackers in Country C.

"Let me park my car first," Leoneil said. After waiting for a while, Leoneil spoke again, "Whose phone and what do you need?"

"Anston is on the phone with Jessica's number. We need to locate the location of Jessica's phone. Can you do it?" Hidayat explained to Leoneil. He then switched the phone to the loudspeaker for the rest to hear too.

"Sure, I have tracked her phone to the nearest Cell Tower. It's located at Khatib's base. The phone is within a 10km range of the tower."

"Anston, you need to have him on the phone longer…" Hidayat looked at Anston and said in a low voice. He then looked at Daniel and the rest. Daniel nodded his head in understanding and run to his car to drive towards the said location. Since the church is at the central area of Country C's capital and Khatib is in the north area, it will take some time for them to reach the location.

Jian Yu also took out his phone to call for help from his colleagues. Luckily, he has friends posted in the base. So his friends also helped by deploying their men to look out for the location.

Anston was already begging on the phone with the man to allow him to talk to Jessica. But his plea was not entertained by the man and he hung up on the call. When the call died, everyone in the room looked at each other in despair…

Leoneil was still on the phone with Hidayat while working on his laptop in the car. Suddenly, "I got it!!! The phone location is about 6 km northwest of the base" Leoneil voice rung quickly like a bullet train after an ecstatic cry. "That's the best I can get for you. I have also checked the area… It's all trees. So maybe they're underground"

"Thanks, Leo… I have passed the information to the boys at the base. Don't worry, Anston, we will get your wife back safely…" Jian Yu said in response.

Anston's face was pale. Even with Jian Yu and Leoneil's assurance, he was not feeling better.

Hidayat ended the call after thanking Leoniel for his help. He then tried to call Jacqueline to inform her of Jessica's predicament. However, his call was not answered. After trying a couple of times, he started to worry too.

"Anston, what was Jessica's plan for today? Was she going to meet up with Jacqueline?" Hidayat asked Anston, but Anston just kept quiet. "Anston! Were they going to meet up?!" Hidayat raised his voice in panic. Still, Anston kept his silence. Not being able to hold his fear in, Hidayat punched Anston in his face hard. Anston was thrown off his feet and fell on the ground, waking up instantly.

"She was with both Jasmine and Jacqueline… Hidayat, he had all 3 of them with him…" Anston looked at Hidayat with a fear-stricken face.