50th Matriarch

Suddenly, Rihanna's voice played again… Anston looked at his phone. 50th Matriarch was shown on the screen. He swiped the screen to the right and answered the call, "Hidayah…" before he could say anything, Hidayah was already screaming off saying that the girls are in danger.

"Why is it so hard for me to call you guys?! Your phone was busy, Yayat's phone was busy and I could not get a hold of you guys!" Hidayah was shooting off not even letting him say a word. "Uncle Jonathan called me saying that they received a distressed signal from the guards deployed to the girls. When they surveyed the area using the CCTV, they saw that the guys are unconscious and people are crowding over them. The police force has also been informed of this by a passerby and they are already on their way to the site. The GPS chip that was installed on Jessica's necklace shows that they are somewhere in the northeast of Khatib Military base."

Hidayat snatched the phone from Anston's hand, switch the call to loudspeaker mode and asked her sister, "You have their coordinates?"

Hidayah: Yeah, Uncle Jonathan has already deployed our men to go to the location. He has also informed the Chief of Operations in charge of the base. Is Jian Yu still with you guys?

Hidayat: Yeah, he had also called for help from the base…

Hidayah: Wait.. what do you mean he has already called for help? How did you know the girls are in danger?

Anston: He called me using Jessica's phone

Jian Yu: Leo hacked the system to trace the call for us and we have already gotten my guys to look for them within 6 km northwest of the base

Hidayah: No, they are within northeast of the base. Unless the kidnapper knows about the GPS chip installed on Jessica's necklace, trust me, they are in the northeast of the base. Not northwest...

Jian Yu was about to call his friend when Hidayat interrupted, "It's okay, let's comb through both areas. Hidayah, we will be going there from here. Are you going too?"

Hidayah: Yes. I'm already driving there… Anston, Hidayat, be safe. DO NOT rush there, alright?

Anston: I want his head!

Jian Yu: Hidayah, let's end the call since you are already driving.

Hidayah: Okay, see you there….

Hidayah ended the call and the guys all moved as fast as they could to their own vehicles. One-by-one the convoy moved towards Khatib base.

Anston was not in his own mind so Hidayat pulled him into his car instead of letting Anston drive on his own.

There were so many questions Hidayat wanted to ask Hidayah but now, the most important thing to do is to save the women from the kidnapper. The rest can be discussed after all this is done.

On their way there, Anston could only look out the window. His fist so tightly formed that his knuckles are white and his palms are red. Hidayat turned on his playlist in the car hoping that the soothing classical symphony would cool both of them down and concentrate better later.

However, as he drove nearer to the location, his heart beat faster. His breathing got heavier. He could only recite 'Hasbunallah wani'mal wakil ni'mal maula wani'man nasir' meaning 'God suffices us as our helper and protector' from Al-Anbiya's surah 'Verse 87 in his heart to calm himself down… again and again…