Meeting in progress

The national holiday was nearing and the whole company was rushing through as much work as they could so that they could enjoy the long weekend. Even Hidayat was cooped up in his office heading some of the projects that he had taken over officially after Hidayah's return.

He even hired a Restaurant Manager and a Personal Assistant to help him with both at ARK Corporation and his independent businesses. He even insisted on hiring a family man for both positions as he believed that only a family man with character will be able to commit to the working hours and will have a stronger sense of responsibility compared to single male staff. (To be honest, this is just his personal views on life 😋)

At the moment, Hidayah, Hidayat, Erika and Daniel were in the bi-weekly meeting with the Senior Leadership Team listening to the report of all the projects' progress. A practice Kamari implemented and Hidayah continued after she took over. They believed that by having these meetings frequently, they would be able to monitor each project closely and adjust anything timely if required. Not only that, but they can also monitor the SLT's involvement with each project.

After spending two hours in the conference room, Hidayah finally released the staffs to go on with their work. Only the four friends stayed back to discuss further on Hidayah's effort on taking over Starlight and the progress of opening a new factory offshore in Country I.

After the long weekend, Hidayah and Erika will be flying off to Country I to inspect the possible sites for the new factory. This was an initiative Hidayah pioneered to help the locals and also decrease the cost of manufacturing while maintaining the quality of their product since the raw materials are majorly imported from Country I.

As Country I is in the Middle East and one of the 'terrorist-risked' zone due to the natural resources, security is a major factor they were concerned with. Now, they are finalizing on the security details to ensure the convoys' safety.

"Are you sure you only want to bring a five-man team? Will that be sufficient to secure the group?" Daniel asked again. "There will be about 10 people going to the sites for inspection," he added.

"Don't worry, the ambassador will also be bringing another five-man team along. So that will be a total of ten bodyguards with a ratio of one is to one." The rest nodded their head when they heard Hidayah's response.

"Furthermore, after the sites inspection, we will also be discussing sending the Black Eagle to Country I for peace-keeping as a form of training. This way, they will have hands-on military tactical experience." Hidayah continued.

"Wouldn't that be too early?" Hidayat asked.

"No, we will be deploying the men in batches. Not only that, I have already informed dad that I will be selecting 200 men from Cerberus to join Black Eagle. We will coalesce both Cerberus and Black Eagle to form a new five-man team."

Hidayah then looked at Daniel and added, "we will maintain the same ratio of one medic and one tech in each team. If there are not enough, we will need to train them." Daniel nodded again.

"I am also intending to enlist military and navy veteran to join Black Eagle. They will already have the experience and knowledge required to strengthen our force. I am already discussing with Uncle Jing Guo and Uncle Chuan Li. The offer will be made to all meritable veterans or men that wish to retire in the future."

"You really have thought this through, huh?" Daniel voiced out with confoundment. Hidayah gave him a small grin in response.

"Okay, guys, I have no objection with Hidayah's decision on the enlistment. Is there anything else for us to discuss? If not, let us knock off for lunch. My stomach is already growling…" Erika said when she didn't see anyone else have any intention to say anything. Everyone laughed at Erika's last statement.

They quickly packed their stuff and exited the conference room and went to their own office before meeting up again at the lobby for lunch.