It was my pleasure

After lunch, as per her new routine, Nazreen drove Hidayah to Black Eagle's base for her daily physical training. This includes range shooting and stimulated sparring. Ever since the incident in City K, Hidayah had made an effort to strengthen herself and sharpen her skills.

Nazreen took this opportunity to forge a stronger bond with his wife by helping out with her sparring. At this moment, both of them are in the sparring room.

Hidayah, holding on to a sub-hilt pseudo knife made from hardened black rubber with her left hand, slashed the knife outwards across Nazreen's right arm, missing a hit as Nazreen jumped backwards avoiding the blunt blade. He then responded with a swing of his left fist towards Hidayah's chin which she fended off by using her right elbow as a shield and twisted her left fist downwards while bringing her arm up before slashing in downwards into his right shoulder.

Nazreen nimbly dodged her attack by jumping backwards and sidestepped to his left before grabbing her left wrist to disarm the knife by twisting her wrist outwards and pulling her hand inward and twisting it to her back.

Hidayah, unable to release her hand from Nazreen's grasp, lifted up her left leg and kicked it backwards as fast and hard as she could towards his tibia.

Distracted by the sweet smell from Hidayah's hair, Nazreen missed her action and ended up receiving the blow. Unable to respond in time, his grip relaxes and Hidayah managed to escape from him and quickly turned herself clockwise to face him, bent her knees slightly before punching upwards using the momentum from the springing to add more force on her right uppercut towards his chin.

As Nazreen is bigger and taller than her, she has to exert more power in her punches to ensure a successful hit.

"Hah!" she let out a scream as her fist connected with Nazreen's chin and his head lifted upwards and his body unconsciously backed away from the propulsion before hitting the ground butt first.

Seeing Nazreen on the floor, Hidayah quickly dropped on her knees, "Are you okay? I'm sorry… I lost control…"

Nazreen shook his head, "I'll survive… but I need a rest," he chuckled before exhaling a deep breath.

Hidayah took a seat by his side and looked at the man's shin. It was reddening and it was expected to bruise if it's not attended soon. She shifted her gaze towards the man's face. Nazreen had his eyes closed as he regulates his breathing.

"Wait here, I'll be back soon." Hidayah stood up and quickly jog towards the changing room. She then took two bags of ice from the freezer in the changing room and brought along the first aid kit back to the sparring room.

Nazreen was still stretched out like a star on the matted floor. She walked towards the man and slowly settle herself by his left leg to place one of the bags of ice on his shin and took out a roller bandage to secure the bag properly. After it was done, she shifted herself towards his shoulder so that she can ice down his chin.

Her action was smooth but controlled, full of care. Enjoying his wife's care and concern, he let her do whatever she wanted without opening his eyes or lifting his hand to help. The relaxing moment made him ease off and slowly doze off to lalaland…

Ishh… This man dare sleep while I iced his face? Doesn't he feel cold? Hidayah looked at the man while intermittently pressed the ice bad softly on his chin. She wanted to wake him up but his sleeping face was so cute that she didn't have the heart to disturb the man.

In the end, after making sure that his chin has cooled down enough to reduce the swelling and bruising, Hidayah also lay beside him and took the chance for a short respite.

After some time, Hidayah woke up. Only to find her head resting on Nazreen's chest and his arm wrapping her body with his hand on her waist. She quickly jerks her head off his chest and pusher her body away from the man.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"It was my pleasure," Nazreen replied softly with a smirk on his face. Both of them slowly pulled themselves together and walked towards the changing room for a shower before moving on with the day's activity.