Jasmine and Luther

"Jasmine!" Hidayah squealed when she saw Anston's sister-in-law sitting in the living room with her husband when she entered the Dragon mansion in the evening.

"Hidayah!" the woman replied with a large smile while standing up, welcoming the couple home. Hidayah quickens her pace towards the sitting area and gave the woman a bear hug. The rest of the group chuckled seeing the women's childish actions.

Nazreen realised that every day he learns something new of his wife. At times, his wife can be ruthless and cruel when handling business, at times timid and shy when being teased, foxy and seductive when some things interest her and childish when among family and friends.

He also noticed that Hidayah makes friends easily. Take the day before as an example; the group of friends were having lunch at Ichikokudo Hokkaido Ramen in Suntec City and the adjacent table had a family of four dining at the same time. While they were eating, Hidayah suddenly stood up from her seat and walked towards the family to play with the toddlers and held small conversations with the parents.

The amazing thing was, the rest of the group paid no attention to Hidayah's action while they continued with their conversations with him. As if this was a normal occurrence for them. After lunch, when they returned back to the office, Nazreen asked Daniel about Hidayah's earlier reaction and was answered with "Aiyoh… you just only know her Makcik Kaypoh gene meh?" 😂😂😂

Laughter in the room broke his reminiscence. He looked up towards the group and smiled. This is the most laughter he had heard from Hidayah the past weeks he has been here. He also loved the fact that Hidayah could be herself among family and friends and that it is totally different from her work persona.

"You must be Nazreen, right?" Jasmine asked him when she saw that the man was keeping quiet ever since arriving with Hidayah earlier.

"Yes, and you must be Jessica's twin. They've told me many stories about you…" Nazreen reached out to her outstretched hand and shook it. Luther, Jasmine's husband also took the chance to exchange pleasantries with the newest family member.

Both Jasmine and Luther are both lawyers and had built their own firm a few months back in Scotland after they got married. Though, Jasmine specialised in Criminal Law while Luther specialised in Corporate Law.

In addition, Luther also practices International and Constitutional law like the rest of his family members. Hence, ARK Corporation also engaged Luther as its Legal Advisor for its European branch.

"Nazreen, I heard from Anston that you two have been married for a year. How come you only appeared now?" Jasmine asked again. This made the whole room quietened down. Every one of the Lohs was curious as to why it took Nazreen a year before showing up to the family.

"Hahaha… I guess I do owe Hidayah an apology on this matter too…" Nazreen looked at his wife who was sitting opposite of him. "Actually, I was posted overseas with the United Nation's peacekeeping corp for the past year. A week after returning to Country E and settling all required procedure to take a break, I flew to Country C and came here."

"Oh, so you're a soldier?" Luther probed further.

"Yes, I'm the Captain of Country E's Royal Strike Force."

"Wow, we have another military man in the family!" Jasmine exclaimed. Hidayah lowered her head upon hearing Jasmine's expletive. Till date, she had not made any effort to find out about Nazreen's background. The only thing she knew about Nazreen is that he is the youngest prince of Country E's current monarch. And that he had saved her honour that night.

The fact that her father and grandfather did not oppose to Nazreen's presence in the family meant that they have done their own investigation on his background and there is nothing suspicious about him for them to oust the man.

"I think we have had too much of military men in the family. If this continues, in the future, from a business family, we will be a military family!" Anston retorted. Everyone laughed out loud again. Unknowingly, the 48th Patriarch and his wife had just entered the living room when he heard his third grandson's dissent. He also laughed along with the group of youngsters.

"Yéye!" The youngsters greeted the elder. Loh Liwei and Chen Huian took a seat on the long sofa. The living room had a long U-shaped leather sofa that could seat 16 people. As the Lohs are a very tight-knit family, they often have gatherings and such commodity easily accommodate the family with comfort.

After settling himself, Loh Liwei aked Anston, "What's wrong with being a military family?" He lifted his brows with a snicker on his lips. "Do you know, our family was once a Martial Arts family? How do you think we can have so much influence in the government since ancient times?" Chen Huian chuckled as her husband's questions.

"Yéye, Don't you think that we have an imbalance in the family right now? Both my dad and Da bó are in the military. All his kids are in the military! Even my younger brother is in the Military Academy now. Only me, Hidayah, Hidayat and Andrea are working for the family," Anston countered.

Hidayat also nodded his head agreeing with Anston. It is indeed a fact that the Lohs despite being known as an industrialist in Country C, the current generation is heavily leaning towards the military. Only Anston and himself are working for Kamari in the "other" business front. Even though Hidayah knows about the family's involvement, she does not have any ascendancy in the family's weaponry business.

Hidayah felt that the conversation was too heavy for the night, hence, she tried to change the flow by sharing their upcoming holiday's itinerary with the family since everyone was looking forward to the holiday. "Yéye, I have recently bought a new property in Florence to add into our list of family villas. We will be staying there next week for our group holiday."

"Oh, really?" Loh Liwei asked his youngest granddaughter.

"Mm… The manor used to belong to Angelica de' Medici, the 11th princess of Ottajano. Well, according to my sources, it is actually her smallest manor in all her proprietorship. However, it was sold off by her descendant in the later years. Not sure why, though…" Luther answered instead.

He had been helping Hidayah with the acquisition and legalities when he was in Italy last week. In fact, he had just returned from Italy before flying over to Country C for a break before the whole group go to Florence for their holiday.

The group continued their chat in the living room until Kamari joined them to tell that dinner was ready.