I need to know if you're good enough 1

'The Day' has come and Hidayah was really excited to travel with the group. She even asked Erika, Daniel, Victoria and Leoniel to stay over at the Dragon Mansion the night before so that they do not need to rush the next day.

After her Fajr prayer with Nazreen, Hidayah asked Nazreen to accompany her for her morning jog and spar in the bamboo forest. Since they will be going off later that day, she decided that it would be better for her to exercise in the morning instead of waiting or skipping it totally.

Halfway through their sparring, Leoniel and Daniel joined them in the bamboo forest. "Hidayah, let's change partners. It's been a long time since I sparred with you…" Leoniel said.

"Sure…" Hidayah agreed with swinging her left fist towards Nazreen's face. She then jumped back after missing the target and turned quickly toward Leoniel and began attacking the man without prior notice.

Leoniel quickly defended himself when he saw Hidayah's sudden movement. However, he was not quick enough to avoid her jab which landed on his nose. "Oi! That's foul play!" he scolded the woman who brushed off the complaint by winking at the man.

Daniel and Nazreen laughed at Leoniel when they heard Hidayah's answer, "No attacker will tell you that they are going to attack you, you know… Why should I give you the upper hand?"

Leoniel did an anti-clockwise spin to avoid Hidayah's next move to distance himself so that he could get into an attacking mode.

He grabbed Hidayah's attacking right wrist with his left hand and pulled her towards his front. With his right arm inserted under Hidayah's armpit, Leoniel spins around on his right foot with his back against Hidayah. Leoniel then lowers his right shoulder and throws Hidayah over his shoulder in a circular motion.

However, before Hidayah could be thrown off his shoulder, she gripped Leoniel's pants with her free hand and pulled it close so that Leoniel lost his balance and rolled over her. She then swings her right elbow upwards, hoping to hit Leoniel's chin.

Leoniel instantaneously rolled his body clockwise to avoid the blow. Using that momentum, he rolled further before pushing himself off the ground to stand.

"Good, you have improved!" Leoniel commended her for her quick response to his Ippon-seoi-nage (One-arm shoulder throw). After saying his piece, he marches forward again and meets Hidayah face to face. He then breaks Hidayah's balance by pulling her straight forward by grasping both her shoulders, then slides into a supine posture (facing upward) between Hidayah's legs. Then, with the sole of his right foot placed against Hidayah's lower abdomen, Leoniel then carries Hidayah's body over his own head with that leg, thus throwing Hidayah to the floor on her posterior (her back).

Still, Hidayah swiftly rotated her body like a helicopter rotor blade while holding on to Leoniel's left hand. She then positioned herself perpendicular to Leoniel's body with his hand in-between her legs by his wrist with both hands and with her left thigh hugging the upper part of that trapped arm. She then pulled the arm to hyperextend the shoulder (this my friends, are super painful) while her right leg pinned down his neck.

Seeing that he was unable to break away from Hidayah's manoeuvre, he tapped on the ground with his free hand as a sign of surrender.

Pleased with her achievement, Hidayah released Leoniel from her grip. Leoniel coughed obstreperously while gasping for air.

Both Daniel and Nazreen clapped their hands, cheering for both of them on their excellent spar. Hidayah and Leoniel moved to the side for Daniel and Nazreen's turn to spar.

"You've been practising hard this past year. Even your movements are faster now." Leoniel praised her.

"Yeah, I have to polish my skills to better myself. How can the Commander of Black Eagle be weaker than her men?" Leoniel nodded at Hidayah's response.

"Leo, have you chosen the twenty men for the first batch to be sent to Country I?"

"Yes. I have already listed sixty men for the first three batches to be sent to Country I, and they will be briefed once the motion has been approved by the UN.

"That's great." both of them continued their discussion on Black Eagle's progression while Daniel and Nazreen sparred.

After an hour of sparring between the four of them, they walked back to the mansion for breakfast.

After breakfast, Hidayah, Erika and Daniel shared a ride while Hidayat drove Anston to ARK Corporation. Since everyone is going to work and coming back to the same destination, they decided to share rides instead.

Except for Leoniel, he isn't a typical nine to six worker. He usually work from home or wherever he wants as long as there is sufficient reception for him to tap into the network and do his 'work' online. Leoniel decided to stay back and make sure that all security aspect is settled before their arrival at the Manor in Florence. Three five-man teams were assigned to fly off to Florence before their departure. These teams were allocated from the Black Serpent force; a special task force personally selected by HIdayah. Each man chosen are of SS-ranked calibre. A strength slightly lower compared to Cerberus's Grim Reapers. The highest ranked assassins the underworld have known.

They can be identified by their bronze Kabuto mask and their daisho; a combination of short and long sword of their preference.

The Grim Reapers are rumoured to be able to kill their target without making their presence known. Able to hide in shadows and also fight off three SS-ranked men alone.

Both Hidayah and Hidayat have their own Grim Reapers to shadow them.

Failure of mission means death for each Grim Reapers as they followed the samurai's Code of Honour.

When Hidayah's car was hijacked, and she was involved in the accident, her Grim Reaper committed harakiri (abdomen/belly cutting) in front of Kamari as a form of repentance by using an eleven-inch tantō that was presented to him as a token of ownership by Hidayah when they first met.