Getting ready to fly off...

Hidayah stood rooted, stunned at the closed door in front of her. Her brain could not process the incident that just happened. As her mind ran through the event in her head, warmth slowly crept up her face, and her face blushed tomato red.

WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED! OH MY GAWD!!!! HE SAW ME NAKED!!!! Wait... he didn't react when he saw me naked... am I not sexy enough to evoke his lust?


Did he not love me that was why he didn't feel anything 🤔🤔🤔

Time flew as she ponders on various reasons as to why Nazreen did not react to her naked body.

So much so that Nazreen had already finished his cold shower and went down to the dining table. When they realised that Hidayah was taking too much time, Erika volunteered to go up to her room and check on her.

But this woman... she was still wrapped up in her towel standing like a statue with a blank face...

When Erika saw the woman's 'star-struck' face, she shouted her name to wake her up from her thoughts, "Hidayah Loh Mei Ling!"

Hidayah was shocked by the scream and accidentally dropped her towel.

"Why are you still naked! Your hair is still wet and my dear god... how long are you gonna stand there like a statue?!", Erika continued with her nag.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Hidayah had totally forgotten that her friends were staying at the Dragon Mansion and they were to embark on their long holiday that night.

"What is wrong with you?" Erika looked at her best friend, curiously. She stepped closer towards the naked woman. The blank face on Hidayah was making her worried too...

"What time is it?" Hidayah asked to change the topic.

"It's already eight. We are all waiting for you to start dinner... if we delay any further, we will be late for our flight."

"Oh, gosh, I'm sorry... Let me get ready now," Hidayah rushed towards her walk-in wardrobe to find her clothes. When she saw the luggage by the side, only then she recalled that they were going to Florence that weekend.

Erika waited for Hidayah to put on her clothes. She did not even let her put on any make-up before dragging the woman out.

On their way down to the dining hall, Erika decided to ask Hidayah again, "are you sure you're okay? Why were you standing there naked?"

"Nothing. I just had something on my mind." Hidayah tried her best not to think about her inner monologue. She did not even want to think about what happened earlier.

Erika could see her face changes from a look of pain to anger to exasperation. Somehow... she had an inkling as to what may happen when Nazreen was in her room.


Dinner was lively that night. Other than the Lohs, Hidayah's friends were also there to liven up the simple gathering.

"Leo, I heard someone brought my best friend here for a date... Do you know who was it?" Hidayah asked her senior and subordinate and friend to tease him.

"Of course! Who wouldn't know the man who brought her out?" Leoniel answered with a straight face. Everyone around the table laughed at his words.

"Yeah... that man's face is so thick that he published on his Instagram feeds..." Hidayat added.

"Out on a date with the wonderful, beautiful woman on earth!!! With 5 love emoticon on his post!" Anston chimed in.

"Oh come on... as if you didn't do it when you managed to ask Jessica for a date!" Leo rebuts.

"Oh, I remember that!" Kamari also joined the conversation, "that time, he was so happy, he treated us all to hotpot... Remember, dad?" Kamari looked at his father.

Loh Liwei laughed at Kamari's question, "Of course I remember, he even brought your mom and me cruising on his new yacht..."

"What! He brought you and nǎi nai on his yacht? So not fair! He didn't even let me step close to his yacht!"

"Yeah! I even begged him, and he refused me flatly!"

Hidayah and Hidayat were astounded to find out that Mr Miser had been generous to their grandparents. Even his parents had not been on his yacht...

Even Jessica was surprised. She knew that Anston had been very possessive about the yacht. Also, she had on it only twice throughout their relationship together. The very first was a week before their wedding, and the other was on her birthday earlier this year.


After the family was done with dinner, Hidayah invited everyone to the main hall for tea and snacks while waiting for their time before they board the helicopter.

The best thing about being a Loh is, of course, the private helipad that is located at their South Building rooftop. And they do not even need to go through customs before the private jet takes off. All this will be settled by her secretary in advance.

Even when in Florence, they can just drive off to their destination once they arrive at the Florence Amerigo Vespucci Peretola Airport, her secretary will settle their documentations with the airport officials. There isn't a need for them to wait or line-up to have their passport chopped and registered.

While Hidayah and the rest of her family and friends were happily chatting in the main hall, Nazreen was rather quiet. He did not talk much, and even if he did, it was just responding to others.

Hidayah found Nazreen's action odd. Since Nazreen was sitting rather far from her, she decided to move her seat to his side. Surprisingly, he did not even realise that she has sat beside him.

"Assalamualaikum..." Hidayah whispered into his ears. Nazreen was shocked by the sudden soft wind blowing on his ears that he accidentally shouted, "astaghfirullahaladzim!" so loud that the whole hall could hear him.

Everyone, shocked, all stopped talking and look at the couple, before joining Hidayah in her laughter. Hidayah was laughing at Nazreen's reaction and swatted his shoulder.

Knowing that Hidayah whispering at his brother-in-law for being absentminded, Hidayat asked, "What were you thinking about until you didn't even feel her sit beside you?"

Nazreen's face blushed at everyone's teasing. He cleared his throat and said, "Nothing, just thinking about work."

Anston gave Nazreen another look before understanding the situation. So, to help, he decided to add in, "Are you worried about the assignment nǎi nai gave earlier?"

Nazreen looked at Anston and immediately understood that he was helping him out, "Yes, I was actually am thinking about it. It seems a little complicated than I originally thought."

"Oh, what did nǎi nai asked you to do? If you tell me, maybe I can help you?"

Hidayah asked.

When Chen Huian heard her granddaughter, she laughed! If only Hidayah knew what the assignment was... if she did, perhaps, instead of helping, she would run away immediately!

Loh Liwei could not help but cough subtlely. Of course, this old couple had the same thought.