We have discussed and made a decision

Knowing their granddaughter well, Loh Liwei decided the best course of action was to be upfront now. Prolonging the inevitable was dire as this heir of theirs can be very stubborn and headstrong when facing conflicts. 

"Mei Ling, there are some matters we need to tell you before you leave tonight." Loh Liwei started. 

"Mei Ling, your nǎi nai and I had a discussion with your parents. You and Nazreen are both adults and have been married for more than a year. The past months have proven that you are no longer awkward with each other. Hence, we have decided to move Nazreen's belongings into your room before you return from Florence, " Loh Liwei said while trying his best to avoid his granddaughter's eyes. 

Every time Loh Liwei used her Chinese name during a discussion, she knew something terrible will happen. To make it worse, there will be no room for any disputes or arguments. 

When she heard what the Old Head had said, she felt like fainting! Why did the elders in the family make a decision without consulting her? How can she handle the matter? She is not ready to be cohabiting with Nazreen even though she is no longer awkward being with him alone...

"Ye ye, you have already decided. This granddaughter will abide," even though her mouth and words say yes, Loh Liwei knew that she was unwilling. The only reason why he used her Chinese name was so that she will have to agree. 

Kamari and the other elders smiled at her response. Fortunately, there was still a way for them to deal with this ornery mule. If Kamari was the one to make the announcement, he could imagine the strong opposition from his firstborn. 

"Finally! I didn't know why you all take so long to force this on her. You should have done it the night Nazreen came…" Hidayat exclaimed. "Ouch!" he screamed after a loud slap was heard. Jacqueline swatted his head with a rolled magazine. 


Everyone in the room laughed at the young man while he rubbed the back of his head with a pout on his face. 

After an hour of chatting, the group leaving that night started to make their move to the foyer with the whole family sending them off. Before Nazreen entered the car, Chen Huian passed him an envelope, "Nazreen, pass this to Hidayah when you are in the plane later… I have written to explain to her the arrangements I made for Florence." 

"Thanks, nǎi nai. I hope this helps…" he smiled while scratching his non-itchy head. The man who is usually confident and decisive was made foolish whenever he thought of what he had learnt earlier that day. 


As it had been a long day for the group, everyone was tired and decided to nap straight away. Luckily the plane was big enough for 6 private rooms to sleep in and an area for a meeting and also for dining. 

Hidayah quickly pulled Erika into one of the rooms and closed the door, avoiding Nazreen and Hidayat. 

"You do know that you can't avoid him forever, right?" Erika teased her. Hidayah remained silent. Looking at the woman with her head down leaning on her knees, she could no longer hold it in… "Hiddy, can you tell me the real reason why you are avoiding him? Is this about what happened to you in City K, or is this because of your health?" she asked. 

No response. 

"Do you have any feelings for him?" Erika continued. Hidayah looked up and straight at her best friend. Erika could see the confusion and angst in her eyes. "Why don't you speak to him? Get to know how he feels about you?"

Hidayah shakes her head. 

"Why not?" 

"Because I am scared… scared that if I develop feelings between us and I forget about it, what will I do? How much would he hate me for it?" Hidayah voice sounded weak and desolate.

"Hiddy, everyone dies. It is just a matter of when and how. Maybe this is just a trial you and him have to overcome? Can you please give it a try?" Erika sat in front of Hidayah and pulled her hands in her hands slowly and gripped them firmly. Erika stared into Hidayah's eyes making sure to see how her best friend would react. She could see hesitation and fear. This was the first time Erika saw such emotion reflected in her eyes. Perhaps, this illness is really taking a toll on her best friend. 

"What if he rejects me?" A soft voice could be heard, almost a whisper…

"If he really rejects you, then, he is really not worth your time, right? Then you would be able to make a clean break away from him."

"I'm really scared"

"Hey… you have me, you have your brother, your cousin and all the people around you that loves you… if Nazreen really walks away after knowing that you are sick, to hell with him! You will still have us with you!" Erika pulled Hidayah over and gave her a hug. She knows that this was something Hidayah has to sort herself. Only she should be able to resolve all the insecurities and anxiety her heart has.

After hugging each other for about five minutes, Erika loosen her hold on Hidayah and places her hands on Hidayah's shoulders. "Are you ready?" 

Hidayah looked into Erika's gaze before nodding her head. 

Erika stood up from the bed and slowly made her way out of the room. When she saw Nazreen sitting at the lounge bar, she left the sliding door ajar and walked towards him.

Nazreen was on his phone looking at a browser. There were paragraphs after paragraphs of words that she could read but not fully understand. 

"Nazreen, Hidayah wants to speak with you in the room," Erika told him when he looked up towards her.

"Thanks, Erika!" He smiled and stood up from the stool. He walked towards Hidayah's room and knock on the door. When he heard her 'come in' he went in and slide the door close behind him.