Chapter 1: Ash fall in the eve of harvest festival

Evening, Vitual center

One of greatest hit game of the year having tournament have pot price of 100 billion and it is in semi final now

"Trinity's battalion picking Ash fall's squad and this is the 5th time, I don't know if I have to cry because of cowardice of trinity or laugh because of 1 is to 3 trade off, it is 5 battalion battle tournament but Ash fall brothers didn't committed all of its troops, it is always company of 5 vs 5 battalion throughout the whole tournament are they mocking the guilds and workshops in the world? What do you think mike" the 1st mc ask

"they mocking or not, they prove that nothing is impossible. An independent team vs whole world, marvelous! That cleaving slash before that troop fall. One of motto of Ash bringer troop is 'I fall but I bring 2 of you' and oh there is the 6th squad came into the view of trinity, they proceed on persuit right on the bat, Chris what do you think happen next?"MC name Mike asked

"well hard to tell, last time Maestro pick their bone with company of Ash bringer, this troops have extensive training that even military veterans concede defeat, Ash bringer know long range as they are bringing foldable bow, when it is come to blown by blown fight even 2 on 1 they can still keep up to wait for their comrades help or use that letal needle projectiles on their sleeves, their own armour like fox armour use by motor racers, they have greater mobility but did you see even arrow meet their flesh? I think it is Canval Vest the leather part and Adamite the metal part, but the most memorable moment is 5 company of musashi want to surround a squad in the mountain and push them to cliff but who have thought they knew parkour and equipped with steel soft rope to rappel in the face of cliff" MC name Chris said

"there is no Cliff and it is vertical foggy valley is their only point retreat where they have cover for bolt of crossbow(some medieval Knight bring crossbow on their crusade or war) so how they going to survive in this battalion?" Mike look on the screen on what miracle will happen

"The commander cum guild sub leader of trinity is propose of picking squad strategy like musashi of Japan but unlike their predecessor their are limited on infantry for steel tread trap for cavalry troops, I still see it on my nightmare when that speedy cavalier want to cut on of Ash bringer, the later turn and smile grimly with cutting gesture on neck with his blade and bloook! His head slipped off on his neck brrr! It is give me goosebumps when remembering it, in the end musashi end up giving them horse and be cavalier, reversing of being hunt to be hunter" Chris said he rubbing his shoulder

"Oh the commander left his horse and continue to persuit on the valley.... Eh? Chris did you see what I'm seeing right now? After the last soldier of trinity enter into the valley, on the top of it is that shield bearers of stand as it is lying down before? Why?" when Mike want to watch the persuit he saw one the famous special troops of Ash fall brothers, The torn company. A 100 strong men thats looks like walking tanks with their spiked armor and shield, this soldiers is almost 2 meters tall but the most terrifying is their shields, it is 2.5 meters tall with spikes, when a cavalry charge stubborn take a heads on charge on them they make them pay as they turn the cavaliers and their beloved horse into bloody kebab

For some reason this heavy weight soldier is in the top of Valley make the host and audiences question if this company is descendants of hercules, but they disappointed that this big men is not 1/4 demigod but also they are shock as they saw the contraption in the terrifying shields

When the lookout give the signal on the torn company the troops pull a valve as spear that look like fishing spear came into the bottom of shield then pierced it on their flooring as they run into the cliff

"OH MY GOD?! IT IS GRAPPLING SPEARS SO THAT'S MEAN IT IS GRAPPLING DEVICE, Mike when I get online get my self one of that, right now the torn company safely land in, so what is their plan now? Oh their commander is talking let's hear what he saying" Chris yell as he saw the giant men rappelling

"We have only 10 mins, Lord Demonier is in his way. Check your 'fuel' is full, replenish it if is half way I don't want given 100 shield swing later on, this trinityian current full from themselves, it is because they eliminate that shitty armoured golem? Are our Ash bringer that weak? Last week ol' denzel squad attacked Man eating savage tribe but who knew that settlement have 1 company of strong men equipped with sword and armour of asfrigan dwellers(Top armament shop into continent selling high quality dwarves wares), in the end that idiot let the children, woman and elderly go, he knew that the savage tribe bear grudge tsk, he came back home with that shitty products and scratched helmet because of savage lord's hammer... Hei! I hope he drown on his lequor later"the lieutenant of troops

"Hey hey hey! Don't be like that boss if His highness helmer heard that you call his golem shit, he will skin you alive then turn you into golem" one of his soldier as he remove a cylinder in his shield

"And old squad leader Denzel have big capacity to drink and eat, last time he said to me 'Soldiers fighting in front lines have big appetite, their should portion for half barrel beer, whole chicken and Agustious morie(hard liquor)'" a soldier butt in as he pass a cylinder that glowing to his comrade

"tsk that's why I always want to drown him, he has small capacity we soldier should have barrel capacity of beer! Hey let's build it we have 9 mins and 40 seconds" the lieutenant said as he slam the shield into the soil then he rotate the valve then he pull it. what shock the audience that already silent because convocation of troops is the shield produce stool and luminous screen(like virtual screen)

"Control panel deployed" the team leader said

Then the soldiers repeated what their leader does but defferent command

"Base defense panel deployed" as it is connecting on control panel with metal rod of the side of shield then 2nd... 3rd... 4th...

Till it's block the escape route after that a team leader climb into control panel and twist the valve 2 times and pull a metal rod was produced in the base of the shield then he slam it into control panel

"Fort extender panel deployed" the team leader said as his shield also produce footing for soldiers to step it then 2nd soldier put their shields to create almost 6 meters wall forts

"Golem...Savage... Trashy good... My God this is mocking, absolutely mocking" Mike said with soulless expression

"Mike we are live stop day dreaming! OK let's look on the persuit oh the Ash bringer desolve... Into thin air...Put it into global audio mode now!" Chris said as he have hunch what happening

"Hahaha Mr. Lakenstein welcome to your own party, I am Demonier, side Minor chamberlain of Nirvana Palace. Sorry if I am the person welcoming you but who going to party that the guest is going to die right? So my masters is on barracks resting for this time consuming event, so Mr Dead person, Die"as the voice die down the fog reveal a bowing man with butler attire but the scary part is the magic circles manifest in front of it, a 5 fold magic circle

"Alchemical magic:Magicite transformation Cannon, Fire!" the side chamberlain the magic Corp as he turn back and take a gun look a like into the belt of a mage, aim high and press the trigger


On the other side of valley

"Oh that the signal! Oh it here! Hehe oh I long for that high quality Magicite, who knew that fresh soul of living can transmute into high magicite stone I hope my son can be mage or spell swordman but I am specially happy if he can be mageTech" The team leader longing said

"Wow team leader I never thought that you are so ambitious, you want you're son to be mageTech? According to his highness Austin, If you want your child to be part of mageTech, he need have minimum potential to be elite swordman, elite mage and 80% above passing grade of technological advance and 90% passing grade in mathematical calculation, is your son is great?" his sub leader ask

" yes! And if your son is great then he has to be ready to train under His highness Sidfred, can he survive in the hand of cold sadist King?"ask by soldier

"then let say miho is great genius and a great masochist, is his mental fortitude can endure his highness lord Helmer never ending technological explanation how to manipulate elemental obs" a veteran said

"you are masochist! Miho can endure it... Probably"said by team leader as he activate the fort mechanism, it clearly displayed" Collected" then the cylinders of shields shines and crystallised

Their is agonising screams other side of fort shield that make weak will person immobilised but the soldiers didn't mind what they hears it like they used to it

His comrades laugh what he said but the hosts and audience rendered speech by the content of their convocation

"The whole event is like opportunity for their sons to became great mage... Are they fighting or collecting hatred from whole world? Should ash brothers control their troops, they running their mouths making this competitive atmosphere lost graaaaah" Chris smash his fist into his table fuming

"Chris we are live control your temper!? Ok lets continue what their pla-- Chris what was that?" Mike stopped his initial speech as he saw 3 specks on sky

"Hmmm? Mage usually can fly 50 feet above the ground and if that high probably vulture or Eagle" Chris states but his word turn into worthless gibberish when the soldiers do unexpected that make audience want to struggle them to death...

"oh his highnesses is here... Deploying 3 magicite stone, lunch!" team leader lunch stone into specks in the sky the camera fallow the stones but the technician lagged when they see the figures in the sky

"Is this MageTech that the soldiers talking about?" Chris ask as saw ironman suit-look-alike

"this... Its... Likely so" Mike said as he look like he fan boy see his Idol

The figures catch the stone each as they attach it into slot into their bracer

"Big brother lets end this their many things I left in my lab"a young voice said as one armour light up as he draw star using mana into air

"Damn your lab, my pupil going to take exam, it thrashing time but this damn brother of ours keep calculating how to minimize wasting time in every destination before they catch us again" matured but young voice said as he draw triangle with his sword

"I dont want to get back in their hands again Helmer, Sid I want freedom so lets deal with it we have 30 mins to get out" a matured voice said as he draw perfectly circle in the air with his putting multiple cylinders into his thigh compartment

"sigh! Yeah they are the people I dont want to see, I take east till west facing south. 'Holy God of flame grant my wish, burn my enemies wash their sins:Inflamamae sea'" The young voice chant as giant flaming man materialised in front of him and burn the land in the south part of the map like sea waves then he put the cylinders into his thigh compartment

" I protect our men, Simon dont use heavenly Demons wrath all of our men going to toast if you do that if they are inside of my barrier. 'Bless my Brothers as you bless me Goddess of light:Luminous barrier'" said to his brother as he chant after that Sphere like barriers enclosed the torn company, mage corp and base camp of ash fall

"OK 'you are the wrath of Gods you feed on evil and became evil lukieyis grant me your intent:Calamity surge'" The man with matured but youthful voice said as he slash his sword killing all life form in north then he fill his thigh compartment with cylinders

" ok it collecting time according to my research with this kind of slather 20% of souls will displaced already so we need to create perfect funnel, distiller and collector" Helmer said

"Ok Sid you get down below me 40 feet away their use 'Soul telegraph call', Helmer you go on the ground and use 'magicite tranformation cannon' aim at sid spot after he invock the spell then where I am right now I will use' luminaire reflect wall' after that Sidfrid and I go down with you Helmer. We will create Counter flow system let see what kind of Stone we can harvest in this, let's go we have only 3 mins or else this mini map event ends " Austin said he carve another rune in the air

" Tsk and I thought I am great genius, just using theoretical thinking you created more efficient way"Helmer said

"Dont compare yourself on others that's make you strong or weak, assess yourself will make you strong. This is our saying right before they take us" sidfred said

"yeah right" Helmer said

The whole episode of convocation of 3 brothers heard by audience and hosts. But they didn't mind the relevantly important content like 'I like freedom' or 'take by them', what they mind is armors that take the initial height of mage can flight, map to map spells and indestructible barriers even this kind of spells the event map ends and the 3 brothers get out on their game modules but the event hall and host petrified on their sits

Outside of Virtual arena, parking lot

"That kind of spell take half of high purity of stone, do you think we can minimize it?" Austin ask to his brother

"Hmm Aust do you think this is greedy, we use half purity for 4 elder type stone 1 mythical stone and 1 dragon vein of course their is 10 highest purity stone" Simon ask

"No the game use our brain electrons like that device that branding our soul that even we die we retain our memories and born in their clone factories, by using the game item we can override our souls, I don't want to be there puppet for taking over the world" Austin said as he get in in their car

"we can minimize the consumption but taking unique magicite stone also get less. I think half purity for our harvest is great trade off" Helmer said as he jump into passenger sits like swimming

"Sigh! Just do your things I go where my 2 idiotic smartass brothers go, just do the thinking I do the fighting" Simon said

"haha oh right Captain Underpants" Austin laughs as he twisted the starter then....


Rooftop of virtual arena

"Boss is this appropriate action?" a man as he watch the raging flame

"Andrew do you take insult? I guess no right? We are the last defender of pride of the world against this group of freaks. If we failed to win against them even we are number one guild of the world we can't lift our head and if we insist of using that title is like insulting our selves for losing into independent team" a young man said


Somewhere in galaxy

A youth staring into glass tubes with 3 spaking matter

"What plans are you going to do with that mortal souls, my mischief apprentice?" ask by lean man with masculine voice

"Lord Loki what are you saying I'm not mischievous person, I am just doing experiments in inappropriate tests in orderly world for more fun now im going to reverse my gear to do appropriate test in chaotic world, Gia is the best testing site for this project" grinning said by child as he eye the tubes

"Oh? World where minor celestial beings fighting for faiths, Okay my Cute but mischievous apprentice what plan you want to do huh?" Loki ask the child

"I'm giving this mortals their wishes to escape the hands of cult, illuminati but they going to be one entity. And please teacher im not mischievous. I am going to be God of chaotic order. Where I going to create chaos in orderly place or order in chaotic world, balancing the world for amusing results" Grin plaster in his face as he said that he move his hands like twisting tea on his cup and the sparking matter mix up

"Zetrax what qualities did you see in this souls that make you amusing? And what will happen if you mix them like that?" Loki ask

"This 3 is the most desperate being I see in earth, with brands of cult they venture into a game who reads brain waves, twitch some parts and connected it their actual soul but limited power of game made them desperate to live for some time and if they remove the brand they kill themselves go to solitary hell and reborn, they scape to their home or I say bird cage. Study magic related items from over this world almost cracking some norse and Greek gods magic formula, learning martial art from context of war Gods of world that make some gods want to go down to take him, and making plans with many possibilities outcome that make Gods think he is Omnipotent. They are the perfect human with soul that Gods to Take possession because of their unique soul ability that their own soul can retain their own memories"Zetrax said as he look at the soul that gives some luster

"Oh? They great soldier for any Gods then, and oh please spare me with that you dont want them reborn as toys of cult, like what happen to you years ago before Zues rescue you In the hands of titans who want to revive their founding father" Loki said

"Please let's forget about that... I dont want to do the same mistake you do about frost Giant" Zetrax said as he eye his master

"That's the best way of revenge, one Zap and poof" Loki gesture his hand that create same figures but he erase it by electrolyte it

"Not all titans is evil and the consequences of titanless cosmo is gigantic disorder, teacher drop it. its time for releasing my friend into their new home" Zetrax said as he take the electric matter

"You are person who live 3 lives but reborn as one, Creation of One and only True God, we as gods created by some creativity of mortals or born in natural way because some world needs us, envying your lives because some of you didn't believe on God and some gods but they love your kind, some sacrifice they lives for your kind, I dont know what is true quality they see on you so can you show it to me" Zetrax said as he let it fly on it own on a planet


Gia is world of war and chaos, it's start from Gods of vellar and guadian gods of world Gia. Vellar is world where mortal can ascend as god and collecting faith, god of silver want more faith so he go to distance world, Gia tow with seedling gods, he introduced commerce to gia to have permission to spread his faith, as start Gia is very open minded on this as she is newly created by the world. The world bustling with new found glory as the god of silver and the seedling gods moved to Gia. Gia became happy as the seedlings teach there crafts, how to agriculture and stuff that make her world work without her supervision. She became confident about silver and seedlings that they helping her to build this world into better place so she give her permission to spread their faiths as she go to hibernate, guardian god or goddess have infinite life as the world live so she untrusted her world to them.

100 years passed as Gia became most prominent planet in plane, the world is shine with riches and faiths make the seedlings totally move on Gia to help her, in return of their selflessness they ascend with their respectively crafts, Silver also errect shrine for Gia in return aboriginal create shrines for him. The gods in Vallor envy them but one prominent god that mortal enemy but also brother of silver, the god of greed can't let it stand right here and there so he conclude with war god of Vallor to spread faith on land of Gia as he also stear some faiths from leaders to leaders of Gia, some evil gods join the fray to collect faith, Silver and the just moved gods fight them but alas they are powerless as this gods is more faith powers and much older. Gia woke up on her sleep but it is too late to reverse the outcome, greed and evilness is plant on souls of some people, on her wrath she forbid any gods from entering her world and any gods only observed the world and any intervention means eviction, this is world world war of gia known as cold war of Divinity

2000 years passed the world continues from submerged and sinking until kingdoms, empires and dynasties emerged on the land of Gia, signing treaties that any war has meaning lest blood spill without reason, but their disagreement as some races already sink into their pleasure so the world split into many factions, some kingdoms continued to go to war, some defend their rights and some prosper and continued to live and peace.


June 7,108 a lone village in the edge of a archipelago that no any factions take possession, is in the middle of festive vibes as this is their harvest festival, but also the heir of only village in archipelago is going to born

"Mei just one push! You can do it, 1 2 3 push!" the village physician said as he guided the woman from giving birth to their heir

"Ahhhhh?!" the woman push her child as she give her all next is the cry of the a adorable but peculiar child as he has gray color

"congratulations tribe priestess its a bo-(booom!) " the physician want to said joyously but cut off as the volcano give deafening boom

And the tribe leader anxiously enter the room as he look on his wife and look at the child that the midwife holds

"Dont worry just another ash fall, how's my wife and my child?"the chief ask

"Izen are you little paranoid your wife is mage that can manifest 3 fold magic circle, how she have complications on only giving birth?" the midwife said to tribe leader as he give the child to him then she clean the woman who already sleep with steady breathing

"So what is his name?" the midwife ask as she look at the child in the hands of Izen

Izen look at his child with peculiar hair but he also see the color of his crying eyes that it's same color that any aboriginals of this world doesn't have then he look at the window and see the volcano spread its ash in the surrounding

"You my child you are born in our harvest festival but also when Mt. Ash spread its ash, that blanket the land, peculiarity your hair and eyes is same color of this blanket, from Gia said we are born from ash die as ash, now I will name you as the Ash, Ash Revs" Izen said as he look to his child with love


Outside of the plane

"their he goes, who have thought that his father give a name that come from his initial as 3 person" Zetrax said as he smile when he look at screen

"It's your will Zetrax, you made that volcano blows" Loki look to his disciple with look that make you think he seen every thing

"Oh caught in act?" Zetrax said as he poke his temple with his fist and put his tongue out

"Mischief" Loki said as he sigh