Ash Pov
Where I am? Who I am? I? We? Argh?! What happen to me?! My name is... Austin? Simon? Helmer? Argh? Ok calm down first and do survival rule number one: assessment of surroundings
Errr it's blurred what happen to my sight? Ok forget that rule two:think what just happen before this happen
I... We... Lets stick to 'I', I get in to the car then start the engine then... Oh my Shitting hell... No no no I can't die yet, the illuminati... Noooooooo!
Hmmm what was this?! why im feeling so feeble? I should be restraints right? as brand soul should reincarnated as death soldier
Why it so warm? Is this the feeling of death soldier?
"You my child you are born in our harvest festival but also when Mt. Ash spread its ash, that blanket the land, peculiarity your hair and eyes is same color of this blanket, from Gia said we are born from ash die as ash, now I will name you as the Ash, Ash Revs" a voice said as I look up and I see a blur giant head
Did the scientists of cult grown consciences? Nooo! They are devil so what's happening? Wait according to the thesis of that cult head mad scientist said 99% chance soul with their brands revived as death soldiers,0.5% your soul combust into nothingness,0.4% the death soldier that should your vessel have complications that make your soul combust or 0.1% the brand have complication and slip into their clutches and reborn as new person, when your soul brand give up go to heaven or hell just die and fade into nothingness , but we are their price possession they perfect the algorithm for our soon to be body I guess luck is in my side
Now i have to lay low first because this body is feeble so I guess it is new born body, my new body.
1 year later...
year passed and I feel the things that 'we' doesn't felt on that cage, familia amore, the family love. The couple truly take care me, sometimes they bring me to outside to roam to village. The people looked at me with curious eyes, sometimes my parent looking on me with worried looked as I don't often cry even im hungry or wet so I played along and I tell you its very unbearable
The place I'm on is unknown from me just I know for now that this is village that my father keeps as chief, this village founded by my great great grandfather with his tribe and this is according to my father I should ask him after year that normally kid talks
While I'm taking my time from growing up I still assessing my surrounding albeit blurred till I felt the sensation that even dreaming on earth I don't feel it till I dive on game, There is mana in this place!!
100% that I'm not in Earth, that's give me some relief that I escape into their clutches and trill of new environment
From day 1 of my life here I collecting mana via breathing techniques that I learn from martial art from earth and who knew that's work
Year passed now, I am 2 years old also I have some freedom of movements and talks without labelling as freak and of course with limited vocabulary for assurance
Now I know world known as Gia and legends of this world, well through story telling before I sleep, that knowledgeable haha
My mom name is Meilyn Revs and my dad's name is Izen Revs as one tribe,Revs is our Surname I mean all of us in this village have our last name as Revs, talk about confusing
My great great grandfather founded this village to escape war happened years ago in the main land, well from what size this village is I should call it Town but dad say town is much bigger that this village that left me think that if this size is just a village then town can be big as state or countries on earth that's give me a conclusion that Gia is much bigger size than earth.
My village is big as town but it live as backwater village, from agriculture till infrastructure. Agriculture only plant is wheat but they lacking drainage that keep the harvest very minimal from my own taste, infrastructure is very crude as we lived in tents made from leathers of games, husbandry... Lets not talk about that we still relaying in hunting games so I guess I am lucky as their is always meat on my plate every day, I guess fishery is the one worth noting for as they already using net, but to be honest that made me worried if they still using spears or harpoon for fishing makes me worry if famine hit us can we survive? so by that give me a relief
Warrior is main combat related occupation in village and that very understandable as we still relying on hunting but some matter that's bothers me and that's they relying into their body and devoid mana in their body, they like the literal form of more muscles that brain... My dad belongs to them
There are really mage in this world but thinking that, I really want to cry is the term they using on identifying mage level. I might want to smash the person who invent the qualification. The things they know if a person manifest magic circle it should novice which is correct but the thing is if their is 1 circle beside its initial circle they already called it adept if 2 already master and if 3 is grand master so my mom in their eyes is 3 circled mage or grand master. But in the command the sword and magic the circles beside the initial circle called array, the initial circle is base element of magic you will invoke and the array is algorithm commands, the more array you manifest more complicated magic you can invoke, the qualification should be initial circle till 6 array is just novice mage, 7 till 12 is adept, initial circle of 2nd folded mage till 12 array is master and so forth I explained it if my mana is in master level before explaining to them
But one of the things they didn't utilise is general element test that should a person want to be mage do first by their master or teacher, this test should they do before starting study invoking spell because if you do this test they can invest in one element to shortening their time studying one spell to another. They didn't have rune or scripture mage, they are the type of mage didn't need to manifest magic circle because they are the one draw their own magic formula. alchemy magic also base from magic circle but pure mana magic is things they might didn't know so no need to ask
2 years after...
I am 4 years old now and I can go into perimeter of village. In my village life this 3 years pass year make me the boy wonder of this village, by nurturing my body in mana via breathing technique i have strength of adult person, agile of warrior and by my fast thinking they thought I am qualified as mage, they didn't know I can invoke magic circle when I am 2 but I hold my self from doing that because this is to complicated
Today I explore the west side of my village to find secluded place to do my plan, checking my affinity to magic. First Draw magic circle which is 1 meter circumference then put a candle with different colours that represents each magic element or affinity in each corner and by the way the colour is red for fire, blue for water, brown for earth, green for wind, violet for lightning, gold for alchemy, black for black element, white for holy/light element and Violet for lighting. Rune magic is occupation and every mage can take but they should first knew their own affinity. Now the last step is sitting in the middle of circle and let the mana flow in magic circle and let the mana lit the candle representation your own magic affinity
First candle lit is alchemy magic that give me relief, I can start my plan that make my village flourish. Second candle and third candle lit simultaneously and it is light and black candle that make my face darkened but lighten when fourth candle lit with vigorous flame, the most rare element affinity, the lightning element
Now I know my magic affinities now, I will remove the elements that make me weak instead strong person. A mage usually only have 1 element as affinity even they lit multiple candle that represent their own magic affinity, but for me I can have 2 to 3 magic affinities. Alchemy is my Go-to go element that I need so I let it flame lit, light and black is polar opposite magic that make my body crumble if I let its elemental mana into my system and I pick light magic because I use to be light mage, last is Lightning affinity one of strongest element in command the magic and sword. The last step is most wrecking pain part of this test, removing the unwanted affinity gulp... I blow the blue flame that represented the mana color in black candle. Nothing happen from 1st second till the smoke on the candle is swaying in the wind till the last amber of flame died the pain like piece of your soul is pealing into your skin. My skin turn black, I am growling like tiger and my breath getting labor till I roar make my skin cracked that black miasma leaking into my skin. I hold the black candle then...
"Alchemy magic:Elemetal surge transmutation" magic circle with 3 array manifest into my palm that holding the candle and the candle began to distorted, became a black crystal with black flame on it
"Wow, Nirvanic black flame semblance, sweet! Now I have to wait who im ganna tranfer this baby with" I said while pale face looking into lofty flame inside of crystal
Alchemy magic is creating things with same value or converting matter with greater value than your medium via transmutation. Transmutation magic is branch of alchemy, that you have to pay the price you created with a material with same value and needed a medium to channel the mana to convert it to your desire. But sometimes if you dont have medium you can use your body parts or organ if it is extremely needed. Alchemy is also sub occupation that can craft, do enchantment and many more
The material I pay for this is my keratin grand in my head as they are useless or may I say no use of keeping it as my hair is all gray. I have so many things I can sacrifice as I know what things I don't need inside of human anomaly like appendix is accessory gland without used can use as sacrifice for big transmutation circle. I also cheat like affinity,holy magic to regrow my organ if worse come to worst because the counter part of black magic that left in my body is nirvana flame, the flame of holy Phoenix. A mythology creature that can reborn from ash, and base from magic theory and facts as long their is mana in surrounding I can reborn or let other lived again if their soul dont depart and I am grand master level mage
I am satisfied on my own affinity so I need to harvest it to let it nourish my body, I stand up and the flames in the lit candles burst into blaze burning till all flame is gone, what happen next make others amaze. The burned soil open a holy magic cirle for respectively element, the holy element let out a white flame and fly into chest my chest part, the alchemy blown out black-gold liquid and coat into my skin and sipping into my skin, last is the lightning magic circle let out black lightning and bolt into my head. I feeling burning up but cooling in the same time, the feeling that you can destroy every thing and subdued evil also creating everything you want is in my mind now. But that is mindless thoughts as this is the initial feeling of every mage that baptise by by their affinity. Usually mage and warrior(with mana) is 1 to 2 folds stronger to regular person in overall performance and if mage with affinity is 3 folds to 5 folds depending on semblance of your element. Like my light element, nirvana flame can improve the innate regeneration, alchemy magic, molten gold of Ashigar, can enhance the density of bone, increase your strength and have greater chance of enhancement lastly volt of vahalla increase your overall speed, my meaning is increase of speed can enhance my damage to infinite level I am sitama with gintoki hair style due to velocity vs collision haha
I need to gauge myself lest creating troublesome episode when I back home. Mage and fighter can be your occupation but some people suit to be mage but can't be a fighter or vice versa, if a fighter have fiery element of flame but can't manifest magic circle due lack of spirit and mind power then their own body get cooked up inside out because its nurturing your own body but can't let out of it vessel this problematic things happen in the ancient history of CTSAM, till the bodies of inhabitants evolved to contain and control it by aura manifestation. Their elemental mana can improve their vessel body and further enhance due semblance, like if a warrior is water element also his element semblance is water serpent then his mobility is unpredictable also because of his great flexibility
Thinking that have mana nurturing your body is great but have great caution as mana is living thing but also not, breathing with us but didn't sense it. By sensing your semblance giving your mana a physical form. Your semblance is like your friend and closest ally and if a fighter or mage breakthrough in tier 1 their semblance can take a physical form can help you to fight or rebel in you if you neglected it
My soul and mind power is half way from tier 1 so I can summon my semblance in spirit. I provoke my mana and 3 entities manifest in front of me, a white chick, a black horse with golden pupil, a black wolf cub. If any avid fan of CTSAM see them they look at me like god, this is the guardian spirit of kingdoms and they are Astir of the holy land,Astarot, Ashigar of the merchants cathedral,Giodic and Valhalla the warriors grand training ground, grand valhalla
"hello my great and adorable semblances, I am your vessel Ash revs. I know this is first time happen in this world so let this long story short you are the elemental being that live with me till the end of our time. So here is the rules the mana I collect can share evenly with you guys. I also request when well all 4 of us is stronger can you help me to protect and rise this village? In exchange we will collect high concentrated mana materials for us to grow stronger too. I hope you also help me to teach the incoming semblance spirits that coming in this village to not wreck havoc"I need to pleased and remind them because semblance spirit is free spirit, yes they are physical form of mana that resides inside of beings that need to co exist with their vessel to grow stronger but I remind the villagers that they are physical form of mana that much more older that this world
"Certainly, in fact good choice that you didn't interact with that raven he is loathsome" a feminine voice said come from chick
"Ishtar, this kid is promising but why did you readily confirm to help him?" a manly voice comes from horse
"Regrid it's because he is too promising almost protigy to help us, he is the first person to open gate of spirit, Gia should be delightful" the chick said
"he~? I should I know that you are the one delighted because you are not sharing one vessel with Midar" the Horse said
"enough you two, Kid we have proposal I need you to help us and Gia to alter this twist world and remove The omen Gods and their believerst, I know you are 4th party in this world with unknown god that rewrite your name in this world but I didn't detect malicious intention on you so instead destroying your body with mana I give you another task and that is to destroy another race, the horrors. They are 3rd party a omnibus beings. They are hard as metal but also moving like living things they eating the environment. The mana call them nano metal-"While the cub talking I cut him short because of excitement
"WAIT YOU CAN TALK?! AND CAN YOU REPEAT IT NANO METAL BEINGS?! WAHAHAHAHA" my little body shaking from excitement when I look to them
"chick?" the chick innocently look at me like telling me that they didn't talked
"Yes we can talk, also their is nano metal being in this world. It's like you know this beings, you are suspicious but gia give you authority to live here so he send us who knew that you know magic assessment test and give us physical body if you are strong enough. Why are you so trill when their is nano metal beings?"ask by cub
"Nano metals is collected unintelligent metal created by a mother core and why they eating any living things because mother core needs enegy to operate and reproduce more nanomyte, a small metal particle when collected then form nanometal then nano beings, If you think i am suspicious and you think im too smart because im too young it is because my soul reborn to this world and the god that you talking about, I don't know him at all. I just know that I want my village to flourish and be glorious land. I'm telling you this to let you guys at ease"I tell the truth about my origin as this is highly relieving their mind
"oh? Favor by unknown god I guess? Valdir, let this though, well I guess we're done here Regrid at your service" said by horse as he faded into my sight as he merge with me
"Ash Revs... He~? Good name, Ishtar by the way. I Can't wait to fly into the sky so can you speed up your breakthrough, bye kiddo" the chick said as she fade also
"Lad last favor, can you tell your tribe to not kill any of my kin in this archipelago? If you convince them I will impart one of my lineage skill with you, by the way Valdir... Yeah Ish is correct your name suits you well" the last semblance said to me as he fade
For 5 minutes or so I root on the spot as I look at place they fade away. This being is quite legendary in CTSAM, thinking my semblance on it is only Cat, crow and matis I guess it because this is different world and it is just virtually a game if a player have them the can wreak havoc in land while their own base is practically sleeping beast that cannot provoked
"Young chief their you are, what are doing here?"A warrior asked as he lead a squad that came back from hunting
"nothing I just playing, what games you caught?" I play kid innocent again as I caught the men with poles in their shoulders, I saw Deer like animal bound by ropes and bag that moving, I think they caught rabbits or squirrel poor thing they going to be stew
"We have big haul today young chief, we saw herd of Terra angler deers and caught 10 of it, while we are going to return to our village we also caught 3 pups of High land wolves. Hm~hmmm this young pups is quite delicious" I horrified when he said that part so I plead to him
"Can uncle give this cubs from me, I make up to you when I back home and ask my father that you can ask a favour and ask anything" I said with my best puppy face
"Oh no need to ask my little chief I can gift you this" The warrior hurry said as he untie the bag on it
"they quite delicious if the priestess cook them so this pups can pass away without resentment if they cooked, unlike my wife" add by the warrior with dark face in the end of his sentence
"oh Uncle don't get it, I will keep them" I said as I ran into village
When I get home I ask the servant to get me small stripes of raw meat, she give me confused look before complying
I ran into backyard of our tent where a sand and stone garden show how high is my family standing in this village. I untie the rope in the bag and let out the 3 wolf cubs in the bag
This 3 have beautiful white fur with clear blue eyes, at first you can differentiate the different with them with their Identical look they have till you look that there is black fur in this legs, tail or small black fur in dead center of head respectively
They look at me with curious eyes, well I can't blame them as I looking with the same look till I heard a scream that startled us and look simultaneously to source of noise
"Young chief get away from that feral beast they dangerous?!" the servant said as she run with wooden plate wanting to protect me
"Nana what are saying they are just innocent cubs they are not feral, I guess not yet" I said innocently as I look at maid and I saw the cubs noodling their heads like chick
"but-" Nana want to refute me when I cut her what she going to say
"No buts can I have my stripes?" I ask her
"You know young chief you are to smart but innocent. This beasts will bite you if they hungry" defeat said by maid as she give the bowl to me
"Nana they are just innocent cubs like me and I like to have friends, well at least for now they will be my friends as the kid on my age is bound in their home" I said as I feed the cubs
"Well do what you want but I will report it priestess" Nana said as she give me last look before going to tent
When lunch time is serving I looked innocently into my mother that have dark face looking into my lap with to cubs that also look at her innocently while waggling their tails
"Where did you get this beasts?" coldly ask my mother that give me goosebumps and the pups dropped their erected ears and tails
"I ask one uncle hunter to give them to me they are pitiful, mother look they are cute" I said as I look at my mom I also see the 3 nodding their head
"they are feral beasts once they go hungry they will eat you" My mom said as she look at pups with malicious intent while holding her stone knife for cutting meat in her plate
"I swear mom they good guys also I will always feed them they will never eat me" I said as I cut the meat in my plate while the pups nod then shake their head till one of them stumbled due dizziness
"Ok I ask one of servant to sew some leather to build a small tent for them this is your responsibility and you have ask for your father's permission to keep them" my mother said as she look at my puppy face
"ok" while beaming a smile I said
This little episode end in the end of day when my father also defeated by my puppy eyes to convince to keep them
"So son what is their name? Should We name them 1,2, 3?" my father ask
"Izen your naming sense always sucks good thing you give good name into our son or else I swear to Gia I will tear you hair and beard" my mom helplessly said
"I name him fangs as his fang is too prominent(with black fur in head), this is Claws as his claws can leave scratch on Iron wood tree(black fur in his legs) and this is tails because he like shadow of this two always do things they do, like a hunter you see but only tail you saw"I said as I look at cubs eating piece of meat
"My son... Your naming sense... You need to study with me from now on" dreadful said my mom that give me goosebumps