Chapter 3: Rise


6 years past now I am 10 years old. I convince my father to not hunt any wolf type beast but if any on it have intent to attack we retaliate. Good thing is when the cubs is in my care I drill into them the breathing technique that I'm using that even sleeping they need to do it, if they stop I woke them up and give me growling and glare at me then resume their meditation till they subconsciously do it like me. When growing up I also train them to be guard dog and hunting dog, their target? The pitiful small animals in the forest, but only the outer perimeter only. The village can consider as only outer part of archipelago as northern is near shore of ocean the southern part our village is the forest, the west is mountainous range where the east is the ash volcano. After years of training I order them to search and destroy the den and take the cubs and willing to submit into their wing. The ending I have 100 wolf subordinates

In my 10 years of training I attain my 0 tier 10 array level so I am adept, my mother almost erect a totem for me and worship it till I teach her and my father about mana breathing technique. They are confused how I know this thing so I lie that gods enlighten me, also tell the right evaluation of mage and warrior. My father ask my permission to spread, I readily agreed but old guys like them have minimum benefit in this so I advice him that all kids age 7 till 13 will learn from me that he gladly spread and order that all kids should line up in village plaza next morning

At first I satisfied that dad give that order but give me fright when I see the children lining up on plaza. This village or I should call town have many children, maybe 5000 to 7000

In 1st day their is many kids disgruntled about this order but I beat them senseless or threatened to feed them to my wolves if in 10 months they didn't manifest mana flame

At first their are many children still grumbling till Snap!

"argh!? Can you shut up?! You are grumbling, crying and that. Do my instructions 1st after 50 cycles I have proposal to you guys" I lost my temper and created amnesty and punishment policy

If any of them can can get 1 of 10 stone amulet I created myself that hanging into my neck they can go home and play, If a person can make me not attend any session he also go and do what he or she wants. But if any offender failed to get a amulet in 20 mins or they going to attend the session after the prank they have to stay with me for more than 3 hours meditating session

After that declaration their many kid swarming to me but my innate speed surpassed even adult hunter now so even 100 or 1000 kids is running in field they can't catch up. When we are running I can see that... They laughing I also feel... Happiness

The 1 month can be call small successful as I can feel the reeling mana from kids when they inhaling. So after the session and playing tag with 7000 kids I do other stuff to sustain our livelihood because 7000 active children with mana in their system is like machine operating and we need fuel to support that, food. I introduced the fertiliser and irrigation system to the farmers and explained to them that fertiliser is nutrients for the plants, they ask me where did I get it as it has unbearable smell and I give them simple answer that give me disgusting look, de-feces well and wolves feces. Of course I explain to them that I buried to soil first as It spread plague if didn't handle properly. Well that process called decompose this project im doing years ago,using pit I put the feces comes from de-feces well and wolves peces, left overs of village and dried leaves of trees, buried it and using hallowed tree trunk for substitute of pipe and done I have Composite pit(Wiki it for real process)

Next pressing matter is meat, that can get from animal and to start that I need fence and barn to atart husbandry the problem is the tree in this archipelago is Ironwood tree they are so resilient, yeah the stone also is hard as Iron too but they so brittle easy to break if you smash it to tree and to have wares in every household we dropped them in cliff and collected the small parts. The post in tents is only branch of dead Iron wood trees. I didn't have idea how to solve this problem till when one time I'm walking in Mountain stone drop point when one of boulders drop in the bottom part of cliff cracks spread to bottom of stone floor that boulder drops and like lightning Hit hard in my head when Greenish shine is under the cracks part of stone

"IRON VEIN?!" I shout excitedly when I look at greenish hue then I ran to it, use a rather large stone with pointed tip and use it to dig bit by bit chunk of ore

Haha I just thinking how to solve this predicament then luck unexpectedly show up

"Uncle call my dad and elder Monei, hurry up please" I said to one boulder dropper. When I said word 'Iron' he also visible shaken

You can say that Iron is foundation of civilization, with this the livelihood of our community can said elevated a little, and elder Monei is descendant of blacksmith and their household have tradition that in their coming of age they have to sail to mainland to study in blacksmith guild for 10 years and return to archipelago with some metal wares if that smith is genius. Like the sword of my father hanging home that rarely use as it is too precious that Elder monie brought when my father inherent the chief sit. Iron is prohibited to smuggle in mainland and the that sword got here because elder monei is Grand master blacksmith, also elder monei have title as elder but he is only 26 because he has innate strength when he is young he is very suitable to wield hammer and study blacksmithing when he is only 10 years old. You can also say he is old bachelor compare to my dad that same age with him because he is hopeless romantic with my mom... Poor guy(with sarcasm tone)

When my dad and elder Monei running to my discovery like there pants caught on fire, I can see to their face the anticipation and hope to continue his trade

"Ash where is it?! Where is the Iron Vein?" My dad is truly shaken

"Dad take it easy its not like it going to run haha" I laugh as I took them to drop point

My dad and Elder monei is ecstacy when they confirmed that it is really Iron and it is also pure to the point impurities is not exist. I recon that whole cliff if not this whole mountain is a Iron deposit vein, even to me can't comprehend if my assumption is correct because this Vein is too shallow you can just drop bunch of heavy rock to break the outer layer of this vein. Good thing being blacksmith also good at mining, the household of elder Monei going to survey this vein

My dad requested to elder to start working with his household, I also express my view with with them

"Dad, elder after smiting the ore into ignot we should start with axe as our dead Iron tree reserves going to depleted just to process this ore after that the axe you should Cut 3 Ironwood tree, chop it to many pieces and let it dry near into fire as it still fresh while processing other ore"I explain my plan to them how to maximize our production with minimum workload. Ironwood tree is massive as almost the height and width of world tree in other game. Just 1 ignot for an axe, we need 50 axe and strong men to cut just a tree and we need month to cut this giants half if I have adult active mana warriors, that's only estimation if their unforeseeable events. For now we have to rely on clipped woods

While waiting for axe to finish for the few days I research one of ingredient of Golden age of infrastructure industry, Cement. Good thing is I have the crucial supplement ingredient and where my name come it is ash.Good news for me that when Ash fall eruption they collect and move it into caverns in mountain because it destroying out plantations and ash they collect is mountainous, surely because they collection of 4 generation of ash from volcano from annually eruption, the ash of mt. Ash have high aluminium content and other metallic elements. 3 days of alchemy and chemistry stuff my work bear fruit by mixing ash, lime, clay and other stuff with also water I have concrete mixture. I ask 5 strong man to help me to collect wood clippeds that first 10 axe worked on surface forest, what i mean from clip is to massive to say because I find Elder monei is also warmonger, the axe he smiting is double edge heavy axe he use 2 unit of ignot for that by the way. Good in chopping woods also good for cutting head of living things that bleeding; friend reminders:dont stand beside wielder because the trill of swinging of it can fatal from your neck. Well at least it do job well done as I can do any pending projects. 1st is infrastructure, by using the 'clipped wood' as pillar I build house made from concrete. The men that I give pointers how to build house using cement is amaze. From laying foundations,building post,building the wall, using wooden pillar to hold the branches to hold the cement mixture to build dome roof, the whole house build just like that from first shine of sun to last ember of dusk. A simple house with cosy and comfortable interior and majestic and simple exterior

"this is design of house and size of land is the standard we going to build in our village from now on. The fee of this size hmmm.... we're going to collect is 2 Pearls if bigger depends from dad's so before you start a project you need to consult to me" this building is the first to build in this archipelago using cement that rainproof, windproof also if you have indecent things you doing can also noise proof with correct payment, you can achieve. To this men they also great interest in semi liquid material that can be hard as stone in a matter of hours so they want to study the procedure how to built it

"but uncles you need to attend to my session next month from then on I will teach something new to my peers that you will need to know to be great architects or Mason so never miss any of it" I said to them because it's ok to building home to give warm to your family but build without precautions or knowledge can be fatal instead as one earth quake then residents can buried bloodied pan cakesb for beasts

My next objective is to find animal or beast to put in husbandry project. Animal that I can think about is pig, cow also goat or sheep species but all of this species is inner boundary of forest, to the village, forest is unfathomable as we can only hunt game in outer or surface of the forest sometime we are lucky if our village can hunt a herd of beast but if the forest is peaceful for herd to migrate into surface next thing will happen is famine. My ancestors died because of beast of inner forest when they want to feed their family they take the risk to hunt into inner forest but going home with their share and their savage parts, odd thing is my great grandfather and grandfather reported Died in the forest but no part or belonging came back to village but if it is true that they meet their demise I want to see their remain with my father and give proper burial

Fortunately herd of boar sight in the border of surface and inner forest. By the way surface forest is 10 mile stretch ONLY, if you look in the top of mountainous area; the Iron vein Mountain is best view for that, you can see river that separate the inner forest and surface. From the mountain you can see the gigantic trees that surpassed the height of trees in surface forest, they have broad and sturdy branches their leaves can shade the ground from sun so I think if you enter the inner forest you can't tell the morning from evening. I Ask my dad if I can lead the crew to hunt that herd, of course dad didn't give in because of Revs tradition, only adult can go to hunt. But I have counter argument with that... Hmmm more like counter action

"Dad you said that lightning and thunder is unbound by law and tradition, rule the heaven fear by all and revered by masses. You said to me that Revs is clan of tradition... What if I am the will of heaven, unbound by law and traditions, can revered by masses cant be stopped by our tradition to help our village, besides I am stronger than any beast in surface" I start my speech while walking backward, where my dad looking at me with confuse look but after that he look at me with awe and dumbfounded expression

"by the gods..." the only word can utter by my dad when he look at my spell [Lightning imprison javelin] in my hand. This is top crowd control spell in 0 tier, well it just deception because 0 tier spell in lightning element is good as stun gun in early game in CTSAM but Revs clan is people believed in legends like Ikarus and his son Letirie.

Ikarus is God of Shine has son named Letirie, a wicked and mischievous god of lightning he always causing trouble in other gods that's brings problem to Ikarus. He always upright person, stick to his duties, a traditional god who never do bad things in mortal world. One day Ikarus can't take it anymore, the gods always complaining to him here and there about the pranks of Letirie so he put him into chamber of punishment. Letirie plead to his father to not causing him any trouble but Ikarus didn't buy it, he left him there before going to his duty to shine the world but when he came back Letirie is missing, the chamber never open, never touch by anyone so he ask other gods but they didn't see him all day till he ask Gia and Silver for help. When the 3 of them go to his home, Gia look at chamber with sadness in her face and Silver have solemn and angry expression

"Did you restrain your son?" Silver ask

"yes, he always cause trouble in the world,bothering other gods and goddess" Ikarus said with confusion tone, asking himself why Silver ask this kind of question

"Poor child, because of his nature element he always to be cheerful, unbound and free. To let a free spirit restrain make him perish" Gia said as she open the gate of chamber and burst of black clouds sprouting lightning and make sound like earthquakes

"This is only remains of Letirie, now Ikarus look what you done?! He died because being restrain all he want is freedom he resent all gods from complaining to you, he knew that he can't control his power he already consult on me... This child is strong that can kill any mortal from any sparks left on his body so he let flow to other gods to strengthen them but the effect is untraceable. You restrain him here and his elemental power overflow and he explode. Lightning should unbound, not dictate by rule and your tradition to bound to duty and never bother others in their affair, kill this child."Silver said

Legend said when storm brewing Ikarus look at it with loving and sad complexion. From then on when storm is raging in land people pray to Ikarus to restrain Leterie but Ikarus said that he didn't want his child to hurt again by his power.

"So dad are you going to restrain me?" I ask my dad

Dad went pale then drop his shoulders"ok but with one condition, you came back alive and well"dad said

So after that I get my stuffs and hit the road with the crew. On the road I collect stone as big as fist and let the crew carrier it, they give me sceptic look so I give explication

"We are using new hunting gear just pick stones and bring me sharp stone and bundle of rope" I said to them and they comply

After 3 km walk we rest while I'm getting busy. Using the sharp stone to cut half a meter rope to bundle then tie each end into the stone and buwala! I have bolas!

This babies is great use for hunting also very dangerous to prey. Imagine if the bolas thrown into your ankle and the 2 stone smash into your knee best case scenario it's swallowed but worse case scenario your bones is smash to blitz

After I created the 1st bolas I tried it to tree sapling 10 meters away from me bloink! The Ironstone that tie in the rope smash into the middle of sapling, broke in the middle

The hunter amaze on new hunting tech so they copy the process of making it after 2 hours of rest all crew have make and have sufficient training how to throw it

"Ok rest is enough, let's talk about the targets, 3000 steps(6 km) from here is the last sightseeing of boars. The herd fortunately went into surface but be cautious we are not the only one to eying this fatty pig so be careful!" the leader, uncle Hunter brief us

We move into formation, then run to woods, the formation is half circle while running 25 km per hour which is to fast in forestry terrain. This guys have seriously solid foundation in parkour and powerful legs to run faster than car in moderate speed

"Young chief you are natural on this eh? Can you keep up?" Uncle hunter ask as he smile on me

"Hmmm? Uncle are you look down on me? Let's take a bet then if I get into rendezvous point earlier than you I want 20 alive boar with minimum damage. Game?" I grin back

"Game on! But if I win you build me one of stone house that you build in the village, ok let's start this distance is perfect, 3 2 1 go!" Uncle hunter let me go first... So I trust my heel into soil and boom!

I Bet he is speechless now because that is not my fastest speed but Im not done yet with my show,Howl! I howl on the sky then multiple howl feed back on the back which mean the pack is already assembled they Zip on the trees like shadows then I climb on of the Giant root of a tree then jump

Instead hard ground, I land into soft and comfortable fur on the back of Fangs. He lead the pack always looking back into my hands, giving him command

1 km before rendezvous point I give clenched fist command which mean stop, then 3 seperate fingers means 3 teams then one forward to motion with my low gesture means stay low command

The wolves comply as they separate with their alpha they slowly walked with vigilant looks, I give another command, waving my hand then put into my mouth it mean separate into deferent position and wait for further command

1 min later Uncle Hunter with the crew look at me with amaze look

"Ok you win, you have your pigs after the hunting. Ok newbies and my little young chief this is the final briefing, the herd this time is quite big base on prints they left maybe 2000 to 3000. By spreading to 200 steps of this closure we can trap them, use the bolas that young chief invent. According to him the the best use of it is aim at feet."Hunter said as he instruct the new hunter and me

"now let's hunt!" he said as he meld into shade of tree

I take a sit first then close my eyes and heighten my hearing sense






Wind making branches to move, creaking of trunks of tree, noise of pig and my wolves are the noise what I heard right now I guess other predator didn't plan to hunt them right now, we are lucky

I give my signal and that is 3 separate fingers then 2 low forward motion which mean approach stay low

I get down on fang as he still alert as always waiting for command while I am squatting while walking, 30 meters away I see the hoard of boars well they splashing in mud and by look they are 3000 to 3500 boars. That's quite scary if this pigs charge on me, they going to decimated me through and through

The hunting crew is also into surroundings and the boars can feel the atmosphere is reeking with killing intent then

Shooo! Plock!

One of bolas tangled and smash the joints of hindlegs of a boar and that the issue of start of riot, the boars panic as one of their kin is hurt and the charge on the source of bolas, that our lure. then one by by bolas fly into the air tangling the feets of boars. I guess some lucky if only one bolas tangle their feet if 2 or 3 bolas chain then their joints get smash into smithereen

After the first wave the whole hoard is truly panicked they charge on every direction when 5 boars charge at my hiding place I issue command, one fast forward gesture means assault


The pack swarming on then and they kill the boars with in seconds with minimal casualties like limp legs or bruised. Tails come at me with drop ears and limping left leg

If any dog lover sees this they will pitiful on this over growth husky like wolf but this just a trick

I slap him into head

"You lazy bum! You want to skip the hunting session eh? With your aura that equivalent with array 4 can this pigs hurt you? If you don't catch 3 boars with in one hour you dont have dinner later!"I said as I look on him with angry look but answered by goof look then lick me then ran with his pack


Izen POV

I look at forest with worried look when voice wake me into daze look

"You know you can persuade meilyn to stop your child to coming but you didn't" Monie said to me as he also look at forest

"you know the rule of village, only men can stop his own child to stop from hunting and he is Lightning elemetalist like Leterie" I said to him

"Eh? Seriously?" Monie said with shock espression

"Yes, you know my child is so smart he build house from mud but harden that harder than Ironstone, I know he has plan. He start it when he is 5, when he buried that stinking shits, but you know he use it to field, then dig a ditches then let water from river from the back of the village he called it irrigation now this I want to stop him from going but lightning curse fears me also I want to know what he will going to do next"I said to him will still looking on the woods

"You know your son keeps reminding me the story of your great grandfather that our father tells us. 'The great chief that reverse our destiny to be offer to greed god by dark elves. He is so clever for his own good, when he is young he lead us to the sea to escape found the Archipelago of Azmari the forbidden land for human beings. By that time the main land raze war, and our tribe is going extinction the elders arguing to return to the main land to pledge our loyalty to human but great chief answer them:Are they going accept us? The People that reversing death? The immortal being? The monsters in human skin that never age or die? Yes we die if we bled, yes we die if starve but if we pledge to them we going to send to war, hunt our woman to be their playthings. If you want then go but I will stay with my the rest of tribe'. I was amaze with that story but I was shocked when I learn that The great chief talk that when he is only 10 years old. He lead our tribe to main continent in reef field, storm hidden current field and monster infestation fields also talk to the elders like real chief in young age, your child is like our next great chief"Monie said to me

Yes he is like our forefather sigh!