Unexpected Meeting

Minjoon was currently in his car, on his way to G Cafe to buy some sweet pastries for his lovely 'wife'. When he heard her saying that she was craving for some cakes at her favorite cafe, he didn't hesitate to volunteer himself to buy some for her. Even though it would take him at least a whole thirty-minute drive to get there, he didn't mind since it was for Haeun.

While he was imagining Haeun's reaction later on from the back seat of his car, he was disturbed by a loud ringing from his phone. He sighs angrily as he looks at the caller id, preparing to rage at the person if it wasn't anything important. But when he saw the name on the screen, his anger subsided as he answers the call.

"Boss, we finally manage to track him down. He's currently in Jeju, gambling in a casino. It looks like he is on a holiday with someone but we are not sure who she is. But we think she is his girlfriend since they were hugging and kissing earlier. What should we do boss? Should we continue observing him?" The question made Minjoon went deep in thoughts but then he quickly got his answer.

"Yes. Closely monitor his every move and report back to me when you guys see anything suspicious. If possible, try engaging with him during a game or two. Treat him to a drink or give him some chips, just do whatever you guys can to get close to him. I need to know more about him. If you need more money or anything in particular, just call me and I'll provide it for you. And most importantly, Don't Lose Him."

Minjoon strongly emphasizes on the last three words before he hung up the call. He was thrill that they finally found him, the guy that is responsible for giving Haeun such a painful life. He was so thrilled that he suddenly began laughing, shocking Mr. Song who was driving at the front. It wasn't unusual for him to see Minjoon bursting out a laugh like that but the tone of his laughter this time was deeper then always. He senses that something was bad was going to happen.

Ten minutes passed and he finally reaches G Cafe. It was crowded with people and there was a long queue line in front of the cashier. It seems that there is a promotional cake selling at a limited quantity and everyone was queuing to buy them. Seeing the queue, Minjoon didn't exactly want to stay but because it was for Haeun, he quietly joins the queue.

Because everyone was busy with their phones, they didn't notice him standing there. So even though he was waiting in line, it was still bearable for him. But as he was scrolling on his phone, someone suddenly taps his shoulders from behind. He wasn't surprised by it since he was expecting something like this would happen but he was totally taken aback when he saw who the person was.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kang. What a coincident meeting you here. It's been a long time since our last meeting. Are you guys out shopping? How is Grandma and Grandpa Lee doing? Are they doing fine?" Minjoon asked as he smiles widely at them. Anyone looking would think he was happy to see them but it was otherwise. He never wanted to meet them at all but fate just had to be cruel to him.

"Oh, it really is you. You've gotten more handsome since the last time I saw you. I almost didn't recognize you there. I wasn't sure to call you out earlier since you look different but I'm glad I did. Mother and father are healthy as always and they really miss you. You should come to visit again. Our dear Haeji also misses you too. She keeps asking us non stop about you. I think she would love it if you come and visit."

Mrs. Lee smiles at Minjoon meaningfully as she said that. Honestly, Minjoon's urge to roll his eyes at her words was really huge but he held it back and just continue smiling, nodding his head as a reply. He didn't exactly know how to reply to her so that was all he could do and he felt angry because of it. He doesn't want to hear her talk about her daughter any seconds longer but since the queue was still long, he had no choice.

"Though it's embarrassing to say, it's true. My daughter just can't stop asking me to invite you over for dinner. So how about it? Would you like to come for dinner, tonight? I think it's time you ask her for a hand in marriage. Don't you think you're too mean for making her wait so long? It's already been ten years since you guys know each other." Mr. Kang sneers at him, disapproving of his attitude towards her lovely daughter.

Mrs. Lee was quick to softly scold her husband at the way he acted. She knew how important a person Minjoon was and even if she also didn't accept how her daughter was treated, she just had to keep it inside of her. If they were to made him triggered with their comment, their one and only hope to stand on the pinnacle of the business empire will be gone. They absolutely can't let that happen.

They didn't plan a big scale project to get nothing in return. After all the hard work that they put in to get rid of the pesky rat, they can't lose this precious gem now. They just needed to complete a few more steps and they would be the most powerful family in all of Korea. Then, no one would dare to look down upon them but will instead worship them like gods.

"I'm sorry. I guess he must have woke up from the wrong side of the bed. He gets annoyed by everything today. I hope you could just ignore his words. But, don't you he's quite right? You guys do know each other for quite a long time and she genuinely likes you. I think you guys will make a lovely pair of couple. Your parents and we have been friends since long before so I don't think they would have any objection with this."

As those words came out of Mrs. Lee, Minjoon felt like killing himself. He was sure that he had made it obvious enough to them that he wasn't even slightly interested in their daughter. It wasn't because she's not as beautiful as Haeun nor was she not as cute like her. But to be more precise, she wasn't Haeun and nobody but her will he ever marries.

Even after all those times he rejected their invitation and treated their daughter as if she wasn't even there during most events, they seem to be persistent in ignoring the fact that he doesn't like her. He wonders to himself if he should just straightforwardly tell them that he wasn't interested. But then again, he doesn't want to be the cause of why his parent's friendship with them to be broken.

"It's okay, Mrs. Lee. I didn't mind it at all. I do understand where you're coming from but I think you've mistaken the situation. I only see Haeji as a younger sister, not more than that and I believe she does know it too. So, even if you say it like that, I don't think me and Haeji as a couple would be possible. I hope you understand since I really do adore her but she's just like my cute younger sister." Minjoon saw his chance to escape as the queue had practically vanished while they were talking.

"If you would excuse me, I need to get some cakes and be somewhere so I've got to make a move now. I'll be sure to visit Grandma and Grandpa Lee soon, so you don't have to worry. And about Haeji, tell her that I'll invite her to dinner someday. But I really think she deserves someone better. I wish you a good day then." He bowed before quickly ordered some cakes and into his car as he said those last few words.

He could clearly saw both their faces change as he left and he was somehow satisfied with it. He doesn't wish to hear them blabbering about their daughter to him again and he was sure after that conversation, they would surely leave him alone. He didn't actually want to be rude but he had to since he doesn't want to lead them on and give them any false hope.

So it would be better off him telling them like that before they accuse him of not saying anything later on. It would surely make the friendship between his parents and them to shake a little but at least now they know that they should find other suitable candidates for their daughter. Though he said that, he doesn't realize that what they wanted was him and no other man would be possible.