You Bastard!

In a five star hotel somewhere in Seoul, music was flowing out from the speakers softly. Lee Haeji is seating in a chair with one hand holding a half-filled glass of wine. She was staring out the skyline from her hotel room's balcony, her mind was filled with a certain someone's face.

After getting a call from her enraged mother earlier that morning, she just can't stop thinking about what her mother had said. Well rather, she just can't believe what her mother had told her. How was it possible when she was sure of it. She was determined that her mother was just lying to her.

"Could that old hag have possibly lied to me about it? But she isn't exactly the kind of person that would prank someone. So what exactly happens for him to say something like that? Did she maybe push it too far? I guess the only way now is to go see him. Well, she did say he was going to bring me out." Haeji sips on her wine before taking her phone by the side table.

She opened up her contact and browse through it, stopping on someone's name. She thought about it for a while before deciding to call the number. She was sure he would answer her call quickly but the call ended without no one answering it. It made her pissed off but she held in her anger and calm herself down, calling him again after.

"Hello? Who's this? If you looking for Minseok, he's currently dead drunk and is unable to answer your call. Is it possible for you to call him tomorrow?" The voice of a woman greeted her as the call was answered. Haeji's eyebrow twitches in annoyance at what she had heard. She really can't believe that people have such bravery to play her like that.

"Listen up, you bastard. I know you're listening cause I'm not a stupid fool to let you lose like that without nobody following your every move. So I suggest you give up the act and talk cause if I hear your bitch's voice one more time, don't hold me responsible for what's gonna happen. So what are you going to do? My guys just nearby and are just waiting for my instruction. It's your choice, Minseok."

Honestly, Haeji didn't expect he dared to play such trick on her. Knowing how she was, he really got the guts to actually lie to her when she obviously not stupid. Maybe if she was, she might have fallen for it but she's not and she especially doesn't like people lying to her. That is why, regardless of who she's working with, she will always have someone following them so that she knows whether they're lying or telling the truth.

"B-b-b-Boss.. What made you call me at such an hour like this? Do you need me for something? I really wasn't expecting a call from you after such a long time. I thought it was one of my friends, that's why I ask my girl to pick up the call for me. I hope you can forgive me for that.." His voice was shivering as he spoke, fear was instilled in his body knowing that he had angered her.

When the call had come in, he was in the middle of undressing his girlfriend and he had actually wanted to ignore the call. But as soon as he saw the number on the screen, his thoughts of wanting to fool around was all gone. He knew exactly why Haeji was calling him and he knew he'll be dead once she knew what had happened.

So, he thought that by using his girlfriend to answer the call was a smart move. But apparently, it wasn't and it even made him got into trouble. He knew how much she hated someone lying to her and he actually was caught red-handed doing so. Though she might forgive him once for doing that, she won't be as forgiving when she found out what had happened. He'll be dead today whether he liked it or not.

"I don't want to hear your excuses cause I don't give a damn about it. You lied and tried to play me, thinking that I would be dumb enough to actually believe your lies. Well, guess what? You failed, but nice try. And if you ever try to do that ever again, I won't be as lenient to you next time, you hear me? Now, I believe you know why I'm calling you today."

Minseok swallowed his saliva at her question. He doesn't know how to answer her without angering her at the same time. If he lied to her again and she finds out, she'll definitely not leave him alone until she slaughters him whole. But if he tells her the truth now, he will still end up dead from her men killing him then and there. His mind was really tangled between these two choices, though he will still end up getting in trouble for it.

"What do you mean, boss? I don't understand. If I knew why you were calling, I wouldn't have to ask you earlier on. I really don't know what you're calling me for. But if I were to guess the reason, maybe I might have a little hunch. Did you perhaps call me because of 'her'?" As Minseok spoke, Haeji's patience was slowly running out. She couldn't keep in her anger any longer with his stupid act.

"Cut the crap, you bastard! You know I called you because of that bitch! Don't pretend like you actually didn't know when you made a whole dumb skit just to run away from it. Now, where is she?! You told me she was at the hospital giving birth to your baby. So why aren't you there?! Shouldn't you be there by her side, acting like the loyal and perfect husband that you should be?!"

"So why are you in Jeju fooling around with another woman instead?! What are you going to do if her memories return and she ran away?! Are you going to be responsible for all of that?! I almost lost her once and I'm never going to lose her again, you got that?! I made you seduce her and marry her for a reason, you stupid asshole! I didn't pay you to fool around with another woman, so you better pack your bags right now and get your ass back to Seoul!"

Haeji quickly hung up the call after and heave a sigh, leaving no room for Minseok to reply. Her plan has been going smoothly so far and she wants it to stay that way. She was soon going to be the next heir and she even going to marry the most powerful man in the whole of Korea. Nobody was going to take that away from her, not even her useless cousin. But for that to happen, she must keep her within her range, so as to know that nothing will ever ruin her plans.

As long as Haeun remains missing and hidden, everything will fall directly into place. And when that happens, she will be the most powerful women in Korea. The first lady of the Kim's household and the future lady boss of Kim Corporation, the biggest leading company in Korea. After her plan become successful, she'll wipe off Haeun for good. So for now, Haeun just has to remain where she is and continue not remembering about anything.

But little does she know that Haeun had gone off her grip and is living with the man she hopes to marry, not knowing that his heart has already been taken away by the one person she wishes to kill.