A Rose Bouquet

While Minjoon was out buying her some cakes, Haeun was quietly laying down on her bed, staring at the blank ceiling above her. She was trying to remember more about what actually happens at the alleyway but nothing seems to catch on. Though she assumes that it wasn't anything important, her heart is saying otherwise.

There is this feeling inside her, telling her that there is something more about the incident with Minseok but she just can't figure out what was missing from the picture. Did she really anger him till the extent that he wanted to smash a glass bottle onto her head? It's just so hard for her to picture him doing such a thing towards her.

Though he was doing illegal stuff in the black market and taught her stuff that she didn't need to know, he was a nice guy and always took care of her when he had to. He wasn't a perfect husband material like Minjoon but he did bring her some sense of security at times. So it really wasn't possible for her husband to do such a violent thing towards her. Even if it was somehow true, she refuses to believe that he would.

As she was busy staring off into the blank ceiling, the sound of someone knocking on the room door cut her line of thoughts. She then slowly sat up and made herself presentable before allowing whoever it was behind the door to come in. To her surprise, it was some unknown man and he was holding a bouquet of blue roses that was beautifully wrapped.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm here to deliver these roses to you. I also need you to sign here on this paper." The young man passes her the bouquet and then a piece of paper, seemingly like an invoice for the bouquet's delivery. Haeun looks through the paper first before signing it, disappointed that the name of the sender wasn't there on it.

She then politely thank the man as he smiles in return and left after, leaving her clueless on the hospital bed with a bouquet of roses. At first, she definitely thought it was from Minjoon since he was the kind of guy that would do something like that to surprise her. But when she search around and found a card, the initial inside didn't match Minjoon's at all.

"I hope you get well soon and get your memories back. I suppose this might help you remember a little. Ps, I'm happy that I manage to find you. You still look as beautiful as I remembered. Love, your angel from heaven." Haeun read the card as she became more clueless than she already was.

Who else could possibly know that she had lost her memories? Minjoon and his family was the only one who knows that she had lost her memories. It couldn't possibly be Minseok since he never brought up about the subject before. So who was this person? If he or she knew about this then there is a possibility that they could help her to regain her memory back.

Haeun then looks at the bouquet of blue roses again. It said on the card that it might help her, maybe the roses hold a clue to something. And just as she thought that her head began hurting again as images flash continuously in front of her eyes. Though in pain, she pushes through it a little and manages to press the emergency button by her bedside.

Within seconds, a doctor and two nurses rush into the room. They quickly pass some painkillers to her and get her a glass of water, as the doctor check the monitor for any unusual signs. After checking thoroughly that everything was fine and seeing that she was back to normal, they bid her goodbye before leaving her room with sweat all over their forehead.

At first glance, Haeun thought that maybe it was just hot inside her room since she set the temperature quite high as she can't stand the cold. But when she saw how the nurses and doctor were trembling when they were checking her, she knew it wasn't the temperature in her room that made them sweat. It was the temperature inside of a certain someone that made them sweat like that.

She heard the story from Minjung earlier on the phone about what had happened when she was unconscious. She really didn't know Minjoon could be such a cold and scary person. From what she saw, he was someone that likes to joke around and prank her whenever he gets a chance to. So when she heard the story from Minjung, Haeun thought she was talking about someone else.

The thought of him being all serious amuse her somehow. She really just can't imagine him being all serious and cold. As a smile made its way on her beautiful face, her eyes fell back to the roses and almost immediately, her smile vanishes. The roses did help her remember something, a few things to be exact, a few important things.

Just when her mind was about to drift off again, her room door swings open and in came Minjoon with a plastic bag on one hand and a beautiful bouquet of tulips on the other. He was smiling as he came in but when he saw the blue roses, his steps became slow as he eyed the bouquet and walk towards Haeun.

"That's a nice bouquet of roses. Who send it? Thankfully I never bought the same one. Here are your cake and some tulips that I brought on the way here. Hope you liked it though. Want me to put it in that vase that's by your bedside?"

From his tone of voice, it was really obvious that the roses bothered him and just the thought of some guy giving it to Haeun wasn't making it any easier for him to take in. Though his action says otherwise, she could clearly hear the huge amount of sarcasm and jealousy he had in his words. And Minjoon trying really hard to be indifferent about it made Haeun softly giggle.

"What exactly are you laughing about? Was my question funny somehow? I didn't know I'm such a funny person. Care to share what exactly about it was funny to you? I also want a good laugh out of it." Minjoon asked as he looks at Haeun questionably while he arranges the tulips in the vase.

"It's nothing much. It's just that, you are clearly bothered by this bouquet of roses but you try so hard to act like you're not. And I find that funny, cause it's the first time I see you getting annoyed and jealous because of something. And well, it's also because I think that it's kinda cute."

Haeun's face flared up as a blush crept on her cheeks, all the way up to her ears. It was embarrassing for her to say it out loud but it somehow came out and now, there was nowhere for her to hide. She kind of regret it a bit now that she didn't think it through before saying those words. What is she going to do now that the atmosphere has become quite awkward?

While Haeun was busy thinking of a way to dig a hole in the floor to bury herself in, Minjoon was enjoying her every reaction and smiling widely. Honestly, he was stunned and her words had totally caught him off guard. He really wasn't expecting her to say something like that but he was happy that somehow she did. Because it means that Haeun is slowly opening herself up to him and starting to be honest with her feelings.

"Erm, well, you see.. About this bouquet of roses, I actually don't know who the sender is. The card didn't state the sender name but it was written that this roses would help me remember some stuff. And it actually did. But, what should I do? I feel like I don't want to remember anything from the past anymore. Maybe the reason why I lost my memories was for my own good and I think it's best for me to just leave it that way."

Minjoon looks at Haeun worryingly, not knowing what to say. He didn't expect the roses to have such an impact on her that she's giving up right when she just started. What exactly did she remember that made her gave up like this? It must be something quite shocking for it to trigger her to this extent.

But the real question is, who was the roses from? If the sender knew that the roses would help her remember then, it must mean that the sender also knew she had lost her memories. So if he were to find who this mystery person is, the chances of Haeun fully regaining her memories would be higher and her progress will move at a much faster speed then now.

"I honestly want to ask you what did you see but I guess I will wait until you're ready to share it with me. But can I see the roses and the card? There is something I want to check." Minjoon walks towards Haeun and sat at the edge of the hospital bed, as she passes him the roses and the card.

He closely observes both the bouquet wrapping and the card but he just can't seem to find the name of the shop. If the name of the flower shop were to be displayed or printed somewhere, he could at least call them up and find out the name of the sender. But since it's nowhere to be found, there's only one way left to this problem. And that is, to track down the delivery guy.

Even if it's going to be troublesome and full of work, if it means that Haeun will soon remember him, then it's okay. It would be worth all the hard work and research that he has done thus far. And if everything goes well, he might finally be able to marry her, after all those tortures months of waiting. But first, he has to somehow convince Haeun to open up to him and to not give up.