Age of Empires

Wu Tian watched a cutscene play out "Heaven's Reach, Arc 2: Age of Empires, during the beginning when the humans fought the demons there were only 2 countries, the Human Empire and the Demon Empire but after the Knight of Light sealed the Demon King and the Demons were confined the humans started to split off into factions and then new empires formed. There are 5 continents the 7 Clover Empire, Sadronia Mage Empire, Raliths Knight Empire, Eastern Spirit Dynasty, and Church of the Light God. Tensions have been high as the 7 Clover Empire started to breach the Eastern Spirit Dynasty and Raliths Knight Empire borders and a war was starting to brew. , Who do you side with?"

Wu Tian was pulled out of the cutscene as a couple of options were shown:

-7 Clover Empire

-Eastern Spirit Dynasty

-Sadronia Mage Empire

-Raliths Knight Empire

-Church of the Light God

Wu Tian wasn't sure which empire to pick but after a while, he decided to pick the Eastern Spirit Dynasty as it sounded the most like an Asian country. He got a confirmation message and after he clicked yes again Wu Tian felt his body disappear and he was transported to a field of grass. Wu Tian looked around and in contrast to his first summon this time there were actually a ton of players, most of them had Asian faces.


At TechTitan Co. the office was filled with people working, as it was the launch day for the 2nd arc they had to make sure everything went smoothly, after the 2nd arc all control would be given to the AI TITAN for it to control, like if a guild did an action that would push the start of the 3rd arc the AI could automatically start it without waiting for actually people to activate the 3rd arc.

In the boardroom, CEO Kwok Jung, and a bunch of old men were sitting. Since these old men didn't know anything about video games and only knew about the financial side of the game and the company Kwok Jung had to explain everything in simple terms.

"...the start of the 2nd story will bring a lot more customer as the story starts to expand. We have plans to start an esports competition which is like the Olympics but for video games. It would bring a lot of exposure to the game and bring even more attraction to the game. In terms of in-game purchases, we should put card scanners on the machines because people are pouring their life savings into this game hoping to buy whatever they want. The game's economy is even better than some countries in the real world and due to the increasing costs of the items in the games people are spending more money and others are making more money we are monitoring the economy closely to make sure there are no inflations."

Kwok Jung's explanation seemed to work as the other board members were interested "So the esports thing you talked about, when will that be happening?"

Kwok Jung smiled as he wasn't sure if they were going to like the idea of expanding to esports but they seemed interested "We are planning to find a venue for the esports competition and we are planning to use the largest stadium in China: the Zhongxian Stadium in Chongqing, Westren China. There will be many events that focus on different aspects of the game and it will lead to the final event which is 1v1's. We are still working out the specific logistics, costs, etc, but we plan to have this ready by next year. We will fully monetize the event by making an online paywall and the tickets will also cost money. All in all, this will be good for exposure and for revenue."

Although Kwok Jung hated having to sell money as the main point, but sadly, these old men wouldn't move until they see a large pile of money in front of them, and luckily he was able to convince them to allow him to fund their next biggest project an Esports event for Heaven's Reach. They related the esports tournament like the FIFA World Cup or the American Football Super Bowl and they saw money signs everywhere.


Wu Tian started exploring, everyone spawned next to a city called the Hefei City. Wu Tian's first plan was to make weapons and put it up for an auction, he had the skills of 4 legendary job masteries and his first thing to do was make money so he wouldn't struggle in real life since he still had to make a living.

Wu Tian found a small area that was big enough to fit items for storage to make food. After getting the materials for example metals, cloths, herbs, vegetables, meat, etc. and he started getting items needed to make all the items and in the end, Wu Tian only had 25 gold left.

He then started grinding creating and cooking products to sell in the auction house.