Wu Tian's shop was full of items. The only thing Wu Tian hasn't put in the store are permanent stat increase pills since those are too rare to be sold out.
Everything in the store is epic ranked. The swords are named General Sword, the armor set was named the General Armor, and a Wand called the General Magi Wand.
Epic:[General Silver Sword] (200 Gold)
A sword created by the Legendary Blacksmith, Martial Asura, the iron swords features a sleek design used by most soldiers but gives a 15% Physical Damage Increase with a 10% Physical damage multiplier if you strike the same area more than once.
Epic:[General Armor] (100 Gold for each piece of the set)
An armor set created by the Legendary Blacksmith, Martial Asura, the iron armor set features a helmet, breastplate, gloves, and boots.
The helmet gives a 5% Damage Reduction.
The breastplate gives 10% Damage Reduction.
The gloves give a 5% Damage Reduction.
The boots give a 5% damage reduction
There is a 5% increase when the entire set is worn
Epic:[General Magi Wand](200 Gold)
A wand created by the Legendary Blacksmith, Martial Asura, the wooden wand features a basic wand design perfect for most wizards, mages, and other magic users. It gives a 15% Magic Damage Increase and a 5% Magic Damage Multiplier if you land more than 1 spell.
There were also Packets of Bacon for 2 gold that gave a 45% Damage Increase and Mana Regeneration of 10 per second for 10 minutes and Potion of Healing for 2 gold that gave the player 500 Health back immediately. These items would be godsends because current Potions of Healing only gave back at most 200 Health.
All the potions and food cost 2 gold while the swords and wands cost 200 gold and each piece of the armor set was 100 gold. These prices were insanely cheap especially as an epic rated sword's on the market would usually be for 500 gold.
Even though Wu Tian's store was in town square nobody entered his store. Wu Tian straightened his mask and continued cooking food to stock up just in case.
After 1 hour he had a stack of 64 strips of bacon and his first customer walked in. This player was wearing silver armor and had a silver sword on his scabbard. Wu Tian inspected the player,
ID: Clawing Bear(Advanced Knight)
LV: 31
(All other info is hidden)
Clawing Bear had a badge on him, Wu Tian recognized that this was a South Korean guild ranked in at 5th place, Volcanic Tundra Guild. The guild leader's name is Volcanism and he is a hidden class holder Flame Mage. With this most of the raids during the beginning of the game were easily defeated by him and his raid team so their guild rose in popularity. Most of the players in this guild are Asian guild so their structure was based on mutual respect and most of them weren't arrogant like the other guilds.
Clawing Bear walked up to Wu Tian and his eyebrows were crossed when he saw Wu Tian's martial arts clothing and Asura mask. Coincidentally Clawing Bear was Asian, "Hello, I am Clawing Bear may I look at your swords?"
Clawing Bear had been allowed to participate in a recent raid and got a lot of money, he looked around for a store but most of them had worse gear than his. He then found this store in the Town Square and decided to give it a chance.
Under the mask, Wu Tian smiled as this was his first customer. He walked to the sword section of his sword and picked up a sword then brought it over to Clawing Bear.
Clawing Bear read the description and his face looked in shock at this assuming store owner, the stats were already shocking but the most shocking was the first statement, made by the legendary blacksmith Martial Asura, the first legendary player. Clawing Bear trembled as he asked, "How... how do you know Martial Asura?"
Wu Tian needed attention right now, currently, his store was known by no one and it would take to long to wait for people so he decided to use his famous name to bring attention. After he gets the attention of the guilds he would make deals to provide his weapons for money as the identity of Martial Asura's friend using the mask.
Wu Tian spoke plainly "He is my friend and he asked me to sell these swords for him. There are also food and potions that give buffs made by him."
In the end, Clawing Bear spent his 200 Gold on the sword and left with a wide smile on his face. He promised the mysterious friend of Martial Asura he would tell his clan about him.
In the 7 Clover Empire where the number 1 guild, the Crimson Blood Guild spawned. The Crimson Queen was distributing the memebers and rebuilding their Guild Building when Crimson Queen's most trusted aid and the vice- leader of the guild Crugal, a shieldmen, walked up to her.
Crugal whispered to her "A lead to the whereabouts of Asura has been found. It is on the forums and other guilds probably found it as well."
The Crimson Queen quickly shut down the game and climber out of her pod. This pod is different from the pod's everyone else has because this is the experimental V4R Version 6X Pod, a new version set to come out in 5 years.
The pod opened to an open glass building in a town just outside of Toronto, Canada. This was Wen Mei's house, due to her wanting to keep a low profile and be away from Hong Kong where her dad works, she decided to stay in a town outside but not too far from a city.
Wen Mei was anxious as she opened her laptop and searched for the forums. The top rated post was "A shop hosting authentic gear from the first legendary player, Martial Asura". After she clicked on the post, she read "Hello my name is Clawing Bear, I am a player from the Volcanic Tundra Guild who spawned in the Eastern Spirit Dynasty and in Hefei City. I finished a raid with the guild and got 200 gold so I wanted to find a place to replace my almost broken sword and I walked around and found nothing. They were either too expensive or the quality was poor. I was about to give up when I found an unassuming store and a man wearing a mask running it. I asked for a sword and when the masked man brought it to me it said and I quote "A sword created by the Legendary Blacksmith, Martial Asura" there is a screenshot link at the bottom of the post proving it is real. When I asked the masked man how he knew Martial Asura he said he was his friend and that Martial Asura asked him to sell some items for him, the sword was only 200 gold and its stats were better than some legendary items I have seen! The store is located at the town square at Hefei City in the Eastern Spirit Dynasty."
Crimson Queen shook once she saw the stats on the weapon, these stats were amazing and if she made Martial Asura personally make weapons for her guild then they would be the most powerful guild. But she faced dropped as she remembered, the 7 Clover Empire and the Eastern Spirit Dynasty have a terrible relationship meaning she couldn't waltz into there and ask where she could find Martial Asura.
This would cause a lot of problems because she would have to divert some of her members into sneaking into the dynasty which would impact her ability to monopolize the story. But her face hardened as she knew that if the weapons got in the hands of other guilds her power would fall down dramatically. She caressed her forehead as she couldn't believe that one person could affect the entire Guild Rankings.
She knew that she had to get the opinion of Crugal before taking any action.
Wu Tian's shop was full of business as all the other stores were empty except Wu Tian's store which had a line as long as half the city. He ran out of weapons and closed shop after getting 513,130 gold. Everything he had preparred was sold out, the Volcanic Tundra Guild had an action with the other guilds to buy the last batch of swords and armor which sold for a shocking 200,000 gold. Wu Tian couldn't believe that these guilds were so rich but he didn't know that Volcanism was crying as he and the other guild memebers had to put in their life savings into being able to afford the 200,000 gold.
Wu Tian stored the gold and left over materials in his Spatial Ring that he made.
Legendary:[Spatial Ring]
Made by the Legendary Blacksmith, Martial Asura, created with black iron and a wisp of Dark Matter and Soul Power it has 50 meters of storage within the ring which can store anything that isn't living.
Due to there being no inventory system and people having to physically carry their items Wu Tian got the idea to create a ring that would allow him to store everything without carrying a heavy bag. Since most of his artifacts were swallowed by the Dark Matter and he could summon it at anytime he didn't need to much space. He also stored extra Cultivator Martial Clothing, Shoes, and Gloves just in case.
Wu Tian was about to leave when he saw a bunch of soliders and a young girl wearing a dress walking towards him. These were the towns nobles, the soliders were all level 30 and the girl was only level 15 but she was the daughter of the city lord, Song Bai.
Song Bai walked in front of her guards and said arrogantly "You will bring your master who made the weapons you sold and he will work for this city as the blacksmith. Can you relay that he will earn a salary of 100 Gold per month, get a home near the City Hall, and the identity of a royal city Blacksmith so no one would dare touch him."
Song Bai was very arrogant and was sure that this Masked Man was just a servant of the blacksmith and would have to follow her words but she didn't expect the Masked Man to not respond and keep walking away. The guards wanted to go and stop him but Song Bai stopped them and said "We will see what he does, my father has told that blacksmith's do not like to submit to any power and this blacksmith might be part of the Blacksmith's Trading Corp. If he reports anything to them we will lose all support from them and the city will crumble."